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Mr. Rasmussen said yes; there would be public parks and private open space. He <br /> added that in this case, the entryway and detention basin would be a major buffer and a <br /> private play area essentially to keep residential development away from the Transfer <br /> Station. He added that the spine discussed earlier would be private and access <br /> horizontally over toward Cope Lake for the drainage swales would also be private. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor stated that he is in favor of everything Mr. Rasmussen <br /> described. <br /> Commissioner Posson inquired if an HOA would have to be developed for private parks <br /> that would be just for the residents. <br /> Mr. Rasmussen said yes. <br /> Commissioner Olson agreed and stated that he is captivated with Commission <br /> O'Connor's great idea to put some higher-density in position to have a view of the lake. <br /> He added that he does not have any issue with that major park east of El Charro Road. <br /> Chair Blank agreed that it is a great idea but added that the only problem with this is <br /> that it puts the higher-density right up against the neighborhood because of the APA, <br /> which is restrictive in terms of what can be done there. He added that he likes the <br /> parks. <br /> Commissioner Pearce agreed, especially with an active park, given the real limited use <br /> of what can be done with the lakes. <br /> Commissioner Olson added that a park for dogs would be great. <br /> 6. Comment on extending Boulder Street into or through the EPSP area to <br /> reduce traffic on Busch Road. <br /> Chair Blank asked Mr. Rasmussen what staff is looking for here. <br /> Mr. Rasmussen replied that this is sort of a check-in type question as well, as far as a <br /> way to get traffic out of and into the Specific Plan area from the west without having to <br /> put it all on Busch Road. He indicated that this discussion really had not taken place to <br /> any significant extent until the Specific Plan process started up and, therefore, may be <br /> something new to some of the Commissioners. <br /> Chair Blank requested Mr. Rasmussen to put up the slide showing the Boulder Street <br /> extension. <br /> Mr. Rasmussen replied that Boulder Street is a new road and does not have major plan <br /> implications. He stated that there are several different plans: on one of the plans, it <br /> extends right down and connects to Busch Road, and another, it goes all the way <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 22, 2013 Page 25 of 30 <br />