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Chair Blank stated that from that perspective, if there is maybe one side where there is <br /> a park, you build a community; and maybe there is another area where there is retail, <br /> you build a community. He indicated that he tends to agree with the Task Force that he <br /> is not really keen on having all of the multi-family housing sites in one specific location. <br /> He stated that he understands the problems but he also does not want to get in one of <br /> these situations the Commission had up in the hills regarding when a blob is a blob, and <br /> where exactly it is located. He added that he thinks this has to be done in a conceptual <br /> level, at least at this point. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that it just occurred to him where the Commission was going with the <br /> numbers and that it might be a non-issue because if the Commission will reduce the <br /> number of units to 1,000, and it wants only 25-percent multi-family, then the <br /> Commission is only talking about one project. <br /> Commission Olson stated that he also agrees with the direction of the Task Force. He <br /> indicated that he does not understand why a community focal point cannot be created in <br /> a mixed situation and why it takes all multi-family to create a community focal point. <br /> Commissioner Posson stated that he likes the type of mix in Ironwood where there is <br /> multi-family as well as single-family. With respect to looking at this from a focal point, <br /> he indicated that he thinks the closer the larger population is to the focal point, the more <br /> focus there will be within that community. He noted that it is not a direct answer of <br /> either/ or but a kind of a Ironwood type of mix of multi-family and single-family and trying <br /> to get that community atmosphere in the neighborhood especially around retail or some <br /> type of transit. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor stated that within the City, he would like it to be more <br /> dispersed; but in this particular scenario, because he is a little more interested in <br /> Alternative 1, if the Commission is looking at 1,000 units at no more than 35 percent or <br /> somewhere between 25 percent and 35 percent, that would be somewhere around <br /> 300 units, and he would not have a problem putting that all in one location, which is <br /> about the numbers within the rest of the city. He noted that he would be more <br /> interested in putting that density of population near a park or near one of the major <br /> roads to get that volume of traffic out to the major roads faster, like maybe butting up <br /> against El Charro Road but giving them some access. He added that he would rather <br /> see the higher density closer to Lake I because it would be people on three- and four- <br /> story buildings who are going to be able to take advantage of the views of the lake, and <br /> it would also give an extra amenity to someone who is in a higher-density project; <br /> whereas very few people from a single-family home would get those views. <br /> Commissioner Pearce stated that what she was actually thinking about what Mr. Dolan <br /> said that if the Commission starts decreasing the numbers, this matter becomes kind of <br /> moot. She noted that she is a big fan of community focal points and that the density of <br /> people in a walk-able community facilitates that. She indicated that she would be in <br /> favor of something that puts the denser developments at the core and then spread it out <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 22, 2013 Page 23 of 30 <br />