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ATTACHMENT 8 <br />DRAFT <br />PUD- 81- 30- 55M/PUD- 85- 08 -27M. City of Pleasanton <br />Application for a Major Modification to PUD -81 -30 and PUD -85 -08 to address <br />residential development and how it affects the developable square footage in the <br />Hacienda Business Park. Zoning for the property is PUD -I /C -O (Planned Unit <br />Development - Industrial /Commercial- Office), PUD -MU (Planned Unit Development <br />— Mixed Use), and PUD -HDR (Planned Unit Development — High Density <br />Residential) Districts. <br />Commissioner O'Connor advised that he was going to recuse himself from this item <br />because of his financial investments at Hacienda. <br />Mr. Dolan presented the staff report, stating that the proposal, in its essence, is just to <br />exempt the housing sites that had been rezoned earlier in response to the City's past <br />litigation and the Housing Element and fulfilling its obligations under the Regional <br />Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), from the total square footage count in Hacienda. <br />He noted that in some ways, it is a very simple concept and does not require very much <br />language change at all to the current proposals; but in other ways, one can get lost in all <br />the mathematics of the numbers. He indicated that all the numbers are included in the <br />staff report but that he is going to stay at a little higher level in his presentation, although <br />he has the fundamental ones that will help the Commission understand the concepts. <br />Total Gross Floor Area within the Project shall not exceed nine million, eight hundred <br />eighty -nine thousand (9,889,000) square feet, excluding residential areas development <br />existing as of August 2013, residential development on the seven sites shown on the <br />attached Exhibit B, child day -care facilities, transit/public service center facilities, and <br />BART stations and related facilities. <br />Mr. Dolan then displayed the particular language with the PUD approvals from <br />Ordinance 1596 that needed to be changed, explaining that it essentially stated that "the <br />total Gross Floor Area within the project shall not exceed 9,889,000 square feet, <br />excluding residential" and just goes on to say "child day care facilities, transit/public <br />service center facilities, and BART stations and related facilities." He indicated that <br />what staff is proposing is to add the development that exists currently in the Park as well <br />as all the sites that have been rezoned to meet our RHNA responsibilities. He noted <br />that a reference is made to an attachment showing the specific sites and displayed the <br />map showing those sites. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that if the language is taken verbatim as it is, an argument could be <br />made that these are already exempt because the language, as written, says that all <br />residential is exempt. He noted, however, that when one looks at that and when it was <br />written, it was impossible then to anticipate all the additional rezoning that has <br />transpired in the last three years. He added that staff felt the right thing to do was to go <br />back and revisit this issue and clarify whether or not that language is going to apply to <br />the new residential. He indicated that this is the question before the Commission <br />tonight. <br />DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 8/28/2013 Page 1 of 11 <br />