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f. That boats, trailers, campers, motor homes, and other recreational <br /> vehicles are prohibited from being parked or stored on-site. <br /> g. That the garages shall not be modified or used for storage in a manner <br /> that would interfere with the ability to park two cars within the garage and <br /> that each resident shall utilize the garages for the parking of vehicles. <br /> Wording for these disclosures and covenants shall be written in simple/plain <br /> language, shall be submitted to the City Attorney for review and approval before <br /> City Council approval of the first final subdivision map for this development, and <br /> shall be recorded over the project site by separate instrument. <br /> 41. The project developer shall provide all initial home buyers with copies of the <br /> project conditions of approval and the site development standards for accessory <br /> structures. <br /> Climate Action Plan <br /> 42. The applicant shall provide a pedestrian walkway within the development that <br /> connects with Vervais Avenue. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan <br /> that shows the location and improvement details of the pedestrian walkway prior <br /> to submitting a Tentative Map to the Planning Division and shall be subject to the <br /> review and approval of the Director of Community Development. <br /> 43. The project applicant/developer shall develop and implement measures that will <br /> achieve 25 percent better energy efficiency for the project over that required by <br /> 2010 Title 24 state energy requirements in effect upon the City Council's <br /> adoption of the ordinance approving PUD-97. The method used and plan details <br /> shall be incorporated into the plans submitted to the Building anc Safety Division <br /> for plan check and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of <br /> Community Development prior to building permit issuance. <br /> 44. The applicant shall work with staff on locations for providing light-colored paving <br /> material for driveways and street paving. The color and location of the paving <br /> shall be shown on the plans submitted to the Building and Safety Division and <br /> shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of Community <br /> Development prior to building permit issuance. <br /> 45. The applicant shall incorporate water-saving landscape plarts that include <br /> xeriscaping and drought-resistant planting in lieu of lawns. Said plants, with <br /> location, species, size, etc., shall be shown on the plans submitted to the <br /> Building and Safety Division for plan check and shall be subject to the review and <br /> approval of the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of building <br /> and/or grading permits. <br /> 46. Rain gutters shall discharge into landscaping areas where feasible. These <br /> details shall be shown on the plans submitted to the Building anc Safety Division <br /> 13-Unit)Development Plan Ponderosa Homes <br /> PUD-97, Conditions of Approval 10 of 32 4202 Stanley Boulevard <br />