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Developer contemplates developing the Project Site in accordance with the Project Design <br /> Review, Developer shall have the vested right to develop the Project Site with 168 apartments, <br /> one clubhouse building/leasing office, parking areas, and related on-site and off-site <br /> improvements, in accordance with the PUD Development Plan. <br /> Section 2.2 Permitted Uses <br /> The permitted uses and the density and intensity of use of the Project Site; the <br /> maximum height, bulk and size of the proposed buildings; provisions for reservation or <br /> dedication of land for public purposes and the location of public improvements; the general <br /> location of public utilities; and other terms and conditions of development applicable to the <br /> Project, shall be as set forth in the Project Approvals and, as and when they are issued (but not in <br /> any limitation of any right to develop as set forth in the Project Approvals), any Subsequent <br /> Approvals (defined below). <br /> Section 2.3 Applicable Law <br /> "Applicable Law" shall mean, collectively, the Project Approvals and the other <br /> existing (as of the Effective Date) rules, regulations, official policies, standards and <br /> specifications governing permitted uses of the Project Site, governing density, and governing the <br /> design, improvements, the City's Residential Growth Management Program (as set forth in <br /> Chapter 17.36 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code), and applicable City regulations, and <br /> construction standards and specifications applicable to the Project Site as set forth in this <br /> Agreement and the Project Approvals, and in force and effect on the Effective Date. During the <br /> Term, to the extent there are any conflicts between the Project Approvals (including but not <br /> limited to conditions to any of the Project Approvals) and this Agreement, the terms and <br /> conditions of this Agreement shall govern. Further, the parties further acknowledge that the <br /> GMA, once approved, is a vested element of this Agreement, notwithstanding subsequent RHNA <br /> cycles, or existing timing provisions or subsequent changes to the City's Growth Management <br /> Ordinance (the "GMO"). Further, during the Term, to the extent there are any conflicts between <br /> the GMA and the GMO, the terms and conditions of the GMA shall govern. <br /> Section 2.4 Moratorium, Initiatives and Conflicting Enactments <br /> To the extent consistent with State law (and excepting a declaration of a local <br /> emergency or state emergency as defined in Government Code section 8558), if any ordinance, <br /> resolution or other measure is enacted subsequent to the Effective Date, whether by action of <br /> City, by initiative, referendum, or otherwise, that imposes a building moratorium, a limit on the <br /> rate of development, or a voter-approval requirement which would otherwise affect the timely <br /> development or implementation of the Project or Project Approvals or Subsequent Approvals on <br /> or for all or any part of the Project Site ("City Law"), City agrees that such City Law shall not <br /> apply to the Project, the Project Site, this Agreement, the Project Approvals, or the Subsequent <br /> Approvals, if any, during the Term. <br /> Section 2.5 Life of Project Approvals or Subsequent Approvals <br /> The term of any Project Approval or Subsequent Approval shall automatically be <br /> extended for the longer of the Term of this Agreement or the term otherwise applicable to such <br /> 65453\4242646v3 4 <br />