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EAST PLEASANTON SPECIFIC PLAN <br /> PLEASANTON PLANNING GUIDANCE <br /> 0 <br /> The Pleasanton General Plan specifies that the City will prepare a specific plan for the East Pleasanton area. 7O <br /> The Specific Plan should include a mix of land uses,circulation system(including the extensions of El Char- — <br /> z <br /> ro Road and Busch Road),utilities,and the creation of a funding mechanism for the infrastructure required <br /> to support development. This should be a coordinated effort between property owners,major stakeholders, 0 <br /> and the Pleasanton community,including residents of East Pleasanton. <br /> T <br /> The General Plan Land Use Map identifies a series of land uses that may be considered for the EPSP area. H <br /> These include:Public and Institutional;High Density Residential;Business Park;Retail/Highway/Service D <br /> Commercial,Business and Professional Offices;Parks and Recreation;General and Limited Industrial;and r- <br /> Water Management,Habitat and Recreation. With the exception of the Water Management,Habitat and m <br /> Recreation area(existing lakes) the General Plan Map does not detail the actual location of the potential <br /> future land uses,but instead leaves this for the Specific Plan process to determine. <br /> VISION STATEMENT <br /> The Task Force prepared a working vision statement for the Specific Plan during the Fall of 2012. This ^' <br /> statement is considered to be evolutionary in nature and subject to potential further refinement as the plan- 0 <br /> ning process unfolds.The statement reads as follows: <br /> East Pleasanton should be a unique and distinct part of the City while blending in seamlessly with <br /> the characteristics of the surrounding areas. This area is differentiated by its lakes,wildlife habitat, <br /> and open land suitable for development. Future uses should entice residents of Pleasanton to want <br /> to visit and stay to enjoy its beauty and uniqueness. The vision for this area is as follows: <br /> CHARACTER <br /> • Character should evolve from the existing open space setting(lakes,natural habitat,and outlying <br /> rural lands and hillsides). <br /> • Scenic views should be protected and lake areas should serve as a visual separator between Pleas- <br /> anton and Livermore. Development should orient toward and take advantage of the lake environ- <br /> ment <br /> LAND USE <br /> • Land uses should benefit the entire community,integrate with surrounding neighborhoods,bal- <br /> ance development with infrastructure costs,and be flexible in order to allow for the changing com- <br /> munity needs. <br /> CITY OF PLEASANTON 3 <br />