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ATTACHMENT 8 <br /> Citizens for a Caring Community <br /> P.O. Box 1781 , Pleasanton CA 94566 <br /> March 26, 2013 <br /> Chairman Phil Blank <br /> Pleasanton Planning Commission <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Pleasanton CA 94566 <br /> RE: Agenda Item 6c, Rreef/Pleasant Partners LLC-California Center <br /> Dear Chairman Blank and Pleasanton Planning Commissioners, <br /> Citizens for a Caring Community(CCC) is writing to let you know of our agreement with the Housing Commission's serious concerns <br /> regarding the Housing Agreement that accompanies Pleasant Partners/Rreef(Rreef) proposal for California Center. In support of the <br /> Housing Commission we ask that you include, in your recommendations to the City Council,a request that the project not receive final <br /> approval to proceed until the Housing Commission's issues regarding the inadequacy to the proposed Housing agreement have been <br /> resolved satisfactory to all parties. <br /> At both their February and March meetings, the Housing Commission expressed concerns regarding this proposal's unprecedented lack <br /> of affordable housing.As a result,the California Center PUD comes to you without their recommendation for either Option 1 or <br /> Option 2. Unfortunately you will not have the benefit of of reviewing the minutes of their discussion because staff,at the applicant's <br /> insistence,has fast tracked this project for approval. Minutes would reveal the applicant(through staff)gave the Housing Commission a <br /> forced choice between two options. (Please see Attachments 1 and 2, CCC letters and analysis for more detailed information.) <br /> Unlike the courtesy afforded to the Pleasanton Unified School District(PUSD), they would not accept any delay needed to develop a <br /> more acceptable proposal. Furthermore, the applicant never held any public workshop with the Housing Commission to get their input <br /> before drafting the Housing Agreement. Clearly Rreef believes they are entitled to an Agreement which permanently restricts <br /> Pleasanton's ability to provide affordable housing on this important piece of property, and on other 30 unitlacre Rreef assisted proposals <br /> currently working their way through the planning process. <br /> To their credit,despite intense pressure, the Housing Commission refused to recommend either option. In order to make a decision in <br /> the best interest of Pleasanton,they felt the City should first finish the nexus study(currently underway)that will provide the basis for <br /> resetting the Lower Income Housing Fee and drafting a new ordinance to replace our recently invalidated Inclusionary Zoning <br /> Ordinance(110). CCC concurs. Rreef clearly sees this as an opportunity to force Pleasanton to entitle its oroperty with a sub-minimum <br /> level of affordability before the City adopts an enforceable housing ordinance. Rreefs recently announced substantial divestments of <br /> other business park properties in the Bay Area(see Attachment 3)suggest they may plan to sell the property rather than develop it <br /> immediately.Therefore, in order to preserve the City Council's options for negotiating with any Rreef successor,the Planning <br /> Commission should support a reasonable delay in processing until the City completes the nexus study and/or until the Housing <br /> Commission negotiates a Housing Agreement more consistent with Pleasanton's adopted housing goals, policies,and programs. <br /> Thank you for your consideration. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. <br /> Very sincerely, <br /> 3ecky Dennis <br /> (925)426-1525 <br /> Attachments: 3 <br />