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Chairperson Casey had questions concerning foot traffic from the office buildings going through <br /> the residential area to the retail area. Mr. Leon advised that the design was done in such a <br /> manner to provide corner activity. He also advised Chairperson Casey that some parking would <br /> be surface and residential buildings would have parking garages and lower-level parking. <br /> Becky Dennis, Citizens for a Caring Community-reviewed with the Commission a letter she <br /> had presented on behalf of Citizens for a Caring Community(CCC). She noted that CCC has a <br /> number of issues regarding approval of the draft agreement with Pleasanton Partners <br /> particularly with the application of Pleasanton's IZO to high density development on land zoned <br /> solely for the purpose of meeting the city's mandated need for affordable housing, and with the <br /> precedent that this agreement would represent. <br /> Ms. Dennis noted that Pleasanton has always required a higher level of affordability, either <br /> through more units or lower rents, in apartment developments in Hacienda as compared to the <br /> proposed agreement with Pleasanton Partners, citing Archstone Hacienda as an example. She <br /> felt that approving the agreement would set a precedent that would severely diminish the City's <br /> future ability to meet affordable housing needs. <br /> The Commission was also advised by Ms. Dennis that CCC believes that the application of the <br /> IZO would be a serious impediment to meeting Pleasanton's need for workforce housing <br /> affordable to those in the community who earn 80% AMI or below. She asked the Commission <br /> to give consideration to alternative approaches suggested during the Housing Element update <br /> process, such as requiring developers on recently zoned high density sites lo partner with a <br /> nonprofit housing developer. <br /> The Commission was urged by Ms. Dennis to also convey her concerns on to the Planning <br /> Commission and City Council. <br /> Commissioner Butler discussed with Ms. Dennis the recommendation she made for developers <br /> to partner with nonprofit groups. <br /> Chairperson Casey closed the meeting for public comment at 8:12 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Probert felt the proposal was striking because the property is currently an <br /> eyesore. He felt it contained a number of good elements but was concerned that it fell short of <br /> meeting the affordable housing needs in Pleasanton. Commissioner Probert felt there was a <br /> need for more low and very low income units and that approving the agreement would set a <br /> precedent for the City. He thought perhaps the nexus study that the Commission was waiting <br /> for would provide additional information that would help the Commission make a decision. <br /> Commissioner Butler echoed the sentiments of Commissioner Probert. He felt that the City was <br /> giving too much and not receiving enough in return. Commissioner Butler did not feel the <br /> Commission should approve the 15% and was not sure the approach presented produced what <br /> the Commission was looking for. He did not believe waiving fees and giving up on the number <br /> of units would be acceptable to this Commission. <br /> Commissioner Mermelstein echoed Commissioner Butler's comments and those of Ms. Dennis <br /> and felt more needed to be included in the proposal for it to be accepted by this Commission. <br /> Page- 4- <br />