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Commissioner Butler discussed the in-lieu fee concept and how fees are assessed. He <br /> questioned what the City had in place until the nexus study was completed. Mr. Bocian <br /> provided details about the current LIHF fee amounts and implementation process. <br /> Commissioner Lopez questioned whether a caveat could be added to the Commission's <br /> recommendation before it goes to the Planning Commission and City Council to require that the <br /> nexus study be completed and available before additional projects are presented before the <br /> Housing Commission. She advised that she would choose Option 1 because it provides more <br /> affordable units. <br /> Commissioner Butler was in favor of Option 2. <br /> Commissioner Welsh preferred Option 3 with more units in the 50-60% AMI range and taking <br /> $2 million from the Lower Income Housing Fund to buy down additional affordable units. <br /> Chairperson Casey asked for staff guidance on this recommendation and was advised by Mr. <br /> Bocian that it would need approval of City Council to use funds from the LIHF. Commissioner <br /> Welsh felt that this Commission and the Planning Commission did not have enough information <br /> to make a decision. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Welsh to adopt Option 3 that would take $2 million from <br /> the Lower Income Housing Fund to create more units in the 50-60% AMI range. The motion <br /> died for lack of a second. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Lopez to approve Option 1 in the agenda report with a <br /> caveat that the nexus study should be completed before further projects are presented for <br /> review by the Housing Commission. The motion died for lack of a second. <br /> A motion was made by Chairperson Casey, seconded by Commissioner Probed, to reject the <br /> staff recommendation for Option 2 citing an uncertain policy environment to guide the position <br /> to be taken in this action. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: <br /> AYES: Commissioners Butler, Lopez, Probed, Mermelstein, Welsh, and Chairperson <br /> Casey. <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> Mr. Bocian asked the Commission to provide some indication to the City Council regarding their <br /> preference for either Option 1 or Option 2. Commissioners discussed and agreed that the <br /> preferred option would be Option 1 but they would like to see greater affordability within the <br /> project. <br /> Page - 3 - <br />