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Some adopted redevelopment plans allow the redevelopment agency to adopt guidelines <br /> to ensure that the agency is meeting its affordable housing requirements. A question is whether <br /> such provisions could provide independent authority to reject a project that does not provide <br /> adequate affordable housing on site. Alternatively, a question is whether a nexus study would <br /> allow the city to charge a high enough fee to provide the required affordable housing elsewhere <br /> in the redevelopment area. <br /> Conclusion <br /> The implications of Palmer for the creation of affordable housing in the State of <br /> California may be profound. If the case is not depublished or accepted for review. it would he <br /> prudent for communities with inelusionary ordinances to amend them to avoid a facial conflict <br /> with State rent control provisions. While some of the changes suggested here may mitigate the <br /> effect of adverse court rulings, Palmer will likely require changes in affordable housing policies <br /> and practices in the State if it is not modified by the Calilbrnia Supreme Court. <br /> 900051 I'72017'.3 <br /> N1211110 <br />