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In Pennell V. Cie ' Of Sun Jose,° the U.S. Supreme Court reviewed a constitutional <br /> challenge to a San Jose rent control ordinance based on a provision that permitted the City to <br /> consider "hardship to a tenant" when setting rents but did not require a reduction. The Court held <br /> that the provision was not unconstitutional absent any evidence of its actual impact. <br /> Pennell appears to stand for the proposition that price controls cannot be challenged on <br /> their face unless they actually deny an owner a fair return. However, inclusionary provisions <br /> could he subject to rate of return analysis if viewed as price controls. Whether a court would <br /> review the rate of return fbr only the inclusionary units (likely negative) or for the entire project <br /> (likely positive) is unknown, since no court in California has applied such an analysis to a <br /> development project. <br /> Conflicts with Other Statutes. 'Mc Painter decision potentially conflicts with the Mello <br /> Act,`" which requires that every new housing development in the coastal zone, "where feasible." <br /> provide housing affordable to low and moderate income households and alsc requires that all <br /> housing demolished in the coastal zone and formerly occupied by low and moderate income <br /> households be replaced within three years (subject to certain exceptions) or twat the developer <br /> pay an in-lieu fee. Developers of new rental housing in the coastal zone will certainly argue that, <br /> given Pu/pier, it is no longer "feasible" for them to be required to provide affordable housing, <br /> and those who need to pay an in-lieu fee may argue that it is tainted by an on-site rent-controlled <br /> alternative. Although the issue was raised in the briefs, the Palmer court ignored it. <br /> In addition, Government Code Section 65589.8 specifically allows developers who are <br /> required to provide inclusionary units to use rentals to provide all or some of the units: <br /> 485 U.S. 1 (1988). <br /> 's Government Code Section 65590-65590.1. <br /> 14 <br /> 990o31 I.T_03" 3 <br /> s ^o■e <br />