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Plan area, and development practices that had removed one-third of the affordable housing in the <br /> Plan area. The Specific Plan required that 15 percent of new units be affordable or that an in-lieu <br /> fee — calculated as the cost equivalent of building the units — be paid. Where low-income units <br /> had been demolished on the site, the Specific Plan alternatively required that they be replaced. In <br /> Palmer's case, this resulted in an inclusionary requirement of about 18 percent. The Plan offered <br /> density bonuses and other development incentives (not accepted by Palmer) in exchange for the <br /> affordable units. In Palmer, the City asserted that its inclusionary requirements were land use <br /> controls rather than rent controls governing the entire rental housing market— a defense rejected <br /> by the Court of Appeal. While not disagreeing that the requirements (imposed Through a specific <br /> plan) were land use controls, the Court found that so long as the requirements restrict rents, they <br /> must comply with State rent control statutes.17 <br /> Since both the inclusionary requirement and the in-lieu fee were found in Palmer to be <br /> preempted by State law as applied to a rental project, clearly the "land use control" model can no <br /> longer be used to require affordable rental units. This will have a major impact on inclusionary <br /> housing practice, because of the inclusionary units surveyed in 2007, 71 percent were rentals." <br /> While the land-use theory may retain some validity for units offered for sale, the Patterson case <br /> (discussed in the next section) has made it questionable whether in-lieu fees can avoid analysis <br /> as impact fees. <br /> B. inclusionary Ordinances as Exactions <br /> The development community and many published analyses of inclusionary zoning have <br /> In particular, the Court held that the inclusionary provisions must comply with Civil Code Sections 1954.51 — <br /> 1954.535 (Costa Ilawkins Actl. The ease is discussed in detail below. <br /> NPI 1 2007,supra note 3,at 15. <br /> 6 <br /> 400031 770;72.3 <br /> e- MIN <br />