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page 2 <br /> Consider an alternative approach we suggested during the Housing Element update process which would <br /> require property owners who took advantage of the opportunity to receive high density zoning as part of <br /> Pleasanton's RHNA requirements to partner with a nonprofit. This would allow the rezoned properties to <br /> provide a more proportional share of Pleasanton's overall needs. Under this scenario, Pleasant Partners' <br /> nonprofit partner could provide 50% truly affordable housing consisting of 76 units afforc able to households <br /> below 50% AMI and 76 units for households with 80% AMI. Unfortunately, the City would need to require <br /> such for profit/nonprofit partnerships in order for them to occur. This is one of the many reasons why the <br /> nexus study recently undertaken by your commission is so critical. <br /> If the Commission shares CCC's concerns regarding the need to adopt policies and ordinances that will <br /> assure land (re)zoned for the purpose of meeting Pleasanton's affordable housing needs can actually be <br /> used for that purpose, please pass that recommendation on to the Planning Commission and the City <br /> Council as part of your recommendation and review of this Affordable Housing Agreement. Until this <br /> occurs, land Pleasanton zones to provide affordable housing will provide mostly unmitigated impacts, <br /> luxury apartments, and windfall profits for property owners. <br /> Thank you for your consideration. <br /> Very sincerely <br /> Citizens for a Caring Community <br />