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76.Portable toilets used during construction shall be kept as far as possible from <br /> existing residences and shall be emptied on a regular basis as necessary to prevent <br /> odor. <br /> Engineering <br /> 77.The haul route for all materials to and from this development shall be approved by <br /> the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a permit. <br /> 78.All dry utilities (electric power distribution, gas distribution, communication service, <br /> Cable television, street lights and any required alarm systems) required to serve the <br /> dwellings shall be installed underground in conduit in a joint utility trench unless <br /> otherwise specifically approved by the City Engineer. <br /> 79.Any damage to existing street improvements during construction on the subject <br /> property shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at full expense to <br /> the project applicant. This shall include slurry seal, overlay, or street reconstruction <br /> if deemed warranted by the City Engineer. <br /> 80.This approval does not guarantee the availability of sufficient water and/or sewer <br /> capacity to serve the project. <br /> 81.There shall be no direct roof leaders connected to the street gutter or storm drain <br /> system, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. <br /> 82.The project applicant and/or the project applicant's contractor(s) shall obtain an <br /> encroachment permit from the City Engineer prior to moving any construction <br /> equipment onto the site. <br /> 83.The project applicant shall submit a final grading and drainage plan prepared by a <br /> licensed civil engineer depicting all final grades and drainage control measures, <br /> including concrete-lined V-ditches, to protect all cut and fill slopes from surface water <br /> overflow. This plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer <br /> prior to the issuance of a subdivision grading permit. <br /> 84.The project applicant shall include erosion control measures on the final grading <br /> plan, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The project applicant is <br /> responsible for ensuring that the contractor is aware of such measures. All cut and <br /> fill slopes shall be revegetated and stabilized as soon as possible after completion of <br /> grading, in no case later than October 15. No grading shall occur between October <br /> 15 and April 15 unless approved erosion control measures are in place, subject to <br /> the approval of the City Engineer. Such measures shall be maintained until such <br /> time as a permanent landscaping is in place. <br />