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pump station improvements and upgrades, many of which are near completion or are in design and <br /> ready to come forward to be awarded by the Council. One notable project is the Del Valle Parkway- <br /> Nevada Street sewer station. She explained that staff has been trying to put this project forward and <br /> has been in negotiations with property owners for some time. The project is now in the early stages of <br /> being formulated by staff so that it can be put before the Council for approval. <br /> Ms. Wagner presented the Water Enterprise Funds, again consisting of repair and replacement as well <br /> as expansion monies. The fund balance increased from $10.2 million to $13.3 million last fiscal year as <br /> a result of both unanticipated revenues and project carryovers. Revenue excesses occurred mainly in <br /> the area of interest income and the receipt of Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan fees from the Toll <br /> Brothers project. <br /> The Miscellaneous Fund balance started at $14.2 million and ended at $14.5 million, again resulting <br /> from increased interest income and project carryovers. Of those projects carried over, the largest <br /> relates to downtown parking improvements and the purchase of the Alameda County Transportation <br /> Corridor. As the Council might recall, a portion of that property is contaminated and awaiting mitigation <br /> so $1 million has been set aside for its future purchase. She stated that staff is also requesting to carry <br /> over Capital Improvement Reserves in the amount of $1.1 million and the City Hall Office Building and <br /> Civic Center Site Reserve in the amount of$1.9 million. <br /> Councilmember McGovern asked if there has been any progress on decontaminating the <br /> aforementioned site. Mr. Fialho said no, the County has not initiated any cleanup to date, and <br /> Councilmember McGovern asked that it be discussed at the next county liaison group meeting. <br /> The Parks Fund balance started at over $12.9 million and ended at $12.2 due to an $11.1 million <br /> carryover of appropriated funds and a considerable increase in park dedication in lieu fees. The <br /> majority of expenditure carryovers are due to improvements at the Dolores Bengtson Aquatic Center, <br /> which is well underway, and reserves for general trail improvement and development, Bernal property <br /> improvements, Bernal property trails, and new community park site acquisition. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan asked and Mr. Fialho confirmed that the Staples Ranch Community Park <br /> reserve has no balance. Mr. Fialho noted that while the Community Park Site Acquisition Reserve of <br /> $1.8 million is limited to site acquisition per Council policy, state law does allow the use of park in lieu <br /> fees for both acquisition and improvement. Staff does intend to come forward with a recommendation to <br /> change the Council policy in order to free up some of those funds for the Staples Ranch community <br /> park. <br /> The Streets Fund started at $31.7 million and ended at $31.3 million, with $21.7 million in carryovers <br /> and considerable revenue increases related to Vineyard Avenue Specific Plan and traffic impact fees. <br /> Councilmember McGovern asked where the Old Stanley Boulevard Improvement project stands. Ms. <br /> Wagner said $2.1 million in reserves is currently allocated for the project, but most recent estimates <br /> suggest a total cost of $4 million in today's dollars. The current plan to bridge that gap is to utilize Rule <br /> 20B monies from PG&E. <br /> Mr. Fialho explained that the City Engineer established an assessment district in the Old Stanley <br /> neighborhood, as required by PG&E. This City started collecting credits earlier this year and anticipates <br /> having collected sufficient funds to start the project in the next couple of years. Staff is looking at <br /> whether the City can borrow the money internally and then pay itself back with the Rule 20B credits, but <br /> he cautioned that PG&E has very strict regulations on how those credits can be applied. He noted that <br /> the project was also delayed by the additional engineering work required by the decision to <br /> underground the utilities in this district. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 7 of 9 November 20, 2012 <br />