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ATTACHMENT 4 <br /> DEFINITIONS <br /> Central Business District - The Downtown Neighborhood Park - A park which serves <br /> commercial area which is bounded by First primarily the neighborhood and provides play <br /> Street, Stanley Boulevard, the Arroyo del areas for children, open fields for casual play. <br /> Valle, Peters Avenue, and Bernal Avenue. and may provide casual use picnic areas. <br /> Community Facilities - Schools, libraries, Open Space - Any land or water which is <br /> senior centers, corporation yards, recreation used for the preservation of natural resources. <br /> facilities, parks, City Hall and other civic promotion of outdoor recrea don,production of <br /> buildings, utility plants, religious facilities, agriculture, protection of the public health and <br /> cemeteries, hospitals, and other similar safety, or preservation of wildlands. <br /> facilities. <br /> Planned Land Uses - Those allowed by the <br /> Community Park - A park which serves the General Plan (see Map) and Zoning <br /> entire community. It may provide parking Ordinance. <br /> areas, restrooms, and facilities for community <br /> activities, and may be scheduled for group Regional Park - A large a:-ea of land and/or <br /> use. Such parks may have a specific focus water which provides amenities to serve a <br /> such as sports fields, tennis courts, or a regional area. <br /> swimming pool. <br /> Slope - The ratio of the rise over the run of a <br /> Downtown - The older residential and segment of land, where a vertical line would <br /> commercial areas bounded by Second Street, have an infinite slope. For example, a vertical <br /> Stanley Boulevard, the Arroyo del Valle, Fair rise of one foot over a horizontal run of one <br /> Street, Rose Avenue, Pleasanton Avenue, and foot (equal to a 45-degree angle), has a slope <br /> Bernal Avenue (Figure 1-3). of 100 percent. <br /> Existing Land Uses - Those currently Specific Plan - A set of and use, density, <br /> developed. transportation, public facility, and open space <br /> standards which clarify the application of <br /> Holding Capacity of the General Plan - The General Plan policies for a particular area. <br /> maximum number of housing units and <br /> building square footage that could be Urban development - Development that <br /> accommodated if all land uses shown on the requires public water and sewer service, as <br /> General Plan Map were built at average opposed to rural development which does not. <br /> densities. <br /> Zoning Ordinance - Divides a city into <br /> Land Use - A specific utilization of land, districts within which only specific uses <br /> water, or air space (e.g., housing, retail (e.g., single-family homes or offices) are <br /> commercial, or agriculture). allowed under certain cond:.tions (e.g., height <br /> limits, parking requirements, etc.). <br /> I1-21 <br />