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and the citizen's initiative also gets a majority vote, and the City gets one more vote than the <br /> citizen's, the poison pill would take effect. She said if an ordinance is done, an EIR will need to <br /> be done, there will be controversy still in 2010, and the process will be very drawn out. She also <br /> wants to make sure that the public understands that the previous Council did not put an <br /> ordinance in place, never in her 8 years on the Council did a hillside project come forward, and <br /> all of the protections existed within the General Plan to stop a project such as Oak Grove. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan confirmed that if both initiatives pass and the citizen's initiative obtain <br /> more votes, those general plan policies would be changed, and at the same time, the plan to <br /> create a plan would move forward. <br /> Allen Roberts said the City Council sponsored initiative will compete with the initiative signed by <br /> over 5,000 voters which he felt was not the right position for the Council to be taking. The <br /> proposed initiative would not have any direct effect because it only creates a process to propose <br /> a plan to protect the hillside at some point in the future. He said the ballot measure is a plan to <br /> create a plan and he believes that the actual purpose of it is to confuse voters and to trump, with <br /> the poison pill, the voter-sponsored initiative. He said Pleasanton already has a plan to protect <br /> its hillside-the 1996 General Plan. What has happened is that Oak Grove is what initiated <br /> citizen's action to change hillside protection. He said the Council is trying to subvert the initiative <br /> process by proposing a one-year timeframe for a plan to protect the hillsides, which really <br /> cancels the citizen's initiative and not really protect the hillsides. <br /> Richard Pugh said he is concerned with the process, believes that the proposal for the ballot the <br /> City is sponsoring should not occur, he does not believe the Council should be placing any <br /> rushed proposal on the ballots in response to a citizen's initiative. Given there have been many <br /> years that have lapsed with no ordinance offered other than through the citizen's initiative, the <br /> preferable course of action would have been to do nothing. He would then ask citizens to vote <br /> at the election and decide on the matter. Creating a sudden measure sends a message that the <br /> next time citizens believe there is a matter of pressing support they face the risk of having <br /> constitutionally protected work nullified. He is concerned therefore that there is a danger this <br /> would discourage public participation in the city which is not in our long-term interests. <br /> Karla Brown said if the Council moves forward with the Council initiative, it should also look at <br /> the cost of engineering studies, EIRs and technical studies which is a significant expense the <br /> City is burdening its citizens with. <br /> Julie Testa said while she supports the concept of getting through the process and get along, <br /> she believes it is disingenuous to suggest that the proponents of the initiative have been <br /> negative. She thinks the fact that 3 members of the Council are putting a competing initiative on <br /> the ballot is undermining the citizen process, which is divisive. <br /> Mayor Hosterman closed public comment. <br /> Mayor Hosterman reiterated that the citizen's initiative language is set and the language would <br /> allow for the definition of a unit to include assisted living facilities and extended stay hotels. She <br /> does not think that was the intent of the backers of this initiative. What would happen is if the <br /> language is allowed to move forward without giving the Council an opportunity to write <br /> something that is sensible, the City would have to count those units against the voter approved <br /> cap on housing, which would seriously hamper this Council's ability to move forward with <br /> affordable housing projects and transit-oriented development. Therefore, she believes Council <br /> majority will support giving the community the opportunity to get on board through adoption of a <br /> strong ordinance protecting hillsides forever, but also written in such a way it can be <br /> City Council Minutes 11 July 15, 2008 <br />