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Initiative is "Save Pleasanton Hills and Housing Cap Initiative", if the word, "citizens" is put in it, <br /> could it be litigious. City Attorney Roush said he could not guarantee that if 1:he word, "citizens" <br /> is put in, someone couldn't challenge it, but he does not think that the ballot question is the <br /> determining factor. What will be in the materials in terms of what voters are voting on will be the <br /> title, and putting in the word, "citizens" would not subject the ballot statement into a successful <br /> Writ of Mandate. <br /> Vice Mayor Thorne said he came to the meeting ready to support Option 4, depending on what <br /> he heard from the public. If it were him writing the ballot language, he would do this because it is <br /> much more descriptive. <br /> Councilmember Cook-Kallio thinks giving voters clear information is important and this does not <br /> necessarily do that, and preferred more description. Councilmember Sullivan thinks it is <br /> important to keep the question clean and direct. <br /> Motion: It was m/s by Sullivan/McGovern to approve Option 1, as amended, 'lo include the word <br /> "citizens'". Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers McGovern, Sullivan, Thorne <br /> Noes: Councilmember Cook-Kallio, Mayor Hosterman <br /> Absent: None <br /> Abstain: None <br /> Motion: It was m/s by McGovern/Sullivan to require an impartial analysis be prepared by the <br /> City Attorney. Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Cook-Kallio, McGovern, Sullivan, Thorne, Mayor Hosterman <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: None <br /> Abstain: None <br /> Councilmember Sullivan questioned whether or not a motion was needed on the authors of the <br /> ballot argument, and City Attorney Roush said this is needed only if the Council was interested <br /> in being the writer of the argument. If not, that portion of the resolution would be deleted and <br /> transfer to the petitioners in favor to write the argument; however, if there is interest on the <br /> Council to write the argument against the initiative and/or rebuttal, it would be appropriate to <br /> take that action at this time. <br /> Councilmember Cook-Kallio said she would like to be involved in writing the argument against <br /> and could also designate additional signers of no more than two Councilmembers to sign on <br /> with her. <br /> Councilmember McGovern questioned if she wanted to do a rebuttal to something the Council <br /> may put forward later, she hoped the Council would support this issue. Cour cilmember Sullivan <br /> agreed, stating he does. not believe the Council should be writing oppositions to citizen's <br /> initiatives. <br /> Motion: It was m/s by Hosterman/Cook-Kallio that Councilmember Cook-Kallio take the lead in <br /> writing the rebuttal to the Citizen's Initiative. Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> City Council Minutes 7 July 15, 2008 <br />