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Councilmember McGovern said she would prefer having the impartial analysis and City Attorney <br /> Roush said he could put forth a draft impartial analysis. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan said he was still concerned with a competing measure because he <br /> does not believe it is good public policy and he would hope answers received in the 30-day <br /> report would reveal a clearer path. <br /> Motion: It was m/s by Cook-Kallio/Thorne to direct staff to prepare a Elections Code Section <br /> 9212 analysis of the Initiative, to return with alternative language that would help clarify a hillside <br /> ordinance to be considered in conjunction with whether or not the Council adopts the Initiative or <br /> puts it on the ballot in November. Motion passed by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmember Cook-Kallio, McGovern, Sullivan, Thorne, Mayor Hosterman <br /> Noes: None <br /> Absent: None <br /> City Manager Fialho clarified with Council that a draft impartial analysis will come forward as <br /> part of the normal Election process. <br />