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Brad Hirst said he represents Dr. William Yee and they have an application in for 6 lots down <br /> from 17 lots and a vesting tentative map for 14 lots. They filed an application in May 2007 but <br /> have not had a public hearing yet. He believes looking at development on a case-by-case basis <br /> is best, discussed three flat properties where he believes no building should occur and said <br /> critical is geotechnical consideration, as this is why regulations are contained in the Health and <br /> Safety Element. He said in 1968, 670 feet was the highest elevation of a house in Castlewood <br /> Country Club served with water and many numbers are arbitrarily based. lie encouraged the <br /> Council to follow staff's recommendation and get expert information prior to putting any Initiative <br /> on the ballot. <br /> Kay Ayala said the Initiative has qualified for the ballot and this Council has three options-1) <br /> adopt it, 2) put it on the ballot, and 3) put it out for a 30-day study. She fully intends for the <br /> Initiative to be on the ballot and if the City wanted to do its own hillside ordinance, the City would <br /> need to do an EIR and not make it to the November ballot. She read from the Initiative exactly <br /> what it does, said Oak Grove jumped ahead of two other developments and fast tracked and <br /> discussed her opinions on the project. <br /> Scott Raty, Chamber of Commerce, said not only was Oak Grove four years in the process, <br /> there are more conditions of approval for the project than were conditioned on the Hacienda <br /> Business Park, felt there were great current neighborhoods that could serve as not one-size-fits- <br /> all examples, asked the Council to put the Initiative on the ballot, believed it is challenging and <br /> complicated and it makes sense to look at the history of what has been done in the past. He <br /> read page 3 of the staff report regarding developer dedications for open space, bond measures, <br /> corporate personal donations, federal and state funding programs, and felt if we are to achieve <br /> permanent open space, it must be through examples like Oak Grove. He believes staff should <br /> pursue Option C for 30 days and decide whether there should be two measures or one measure <br /> on the ballot. <br /> Mayor Hosterman closed public comment. <br /> Break: Council took a 4-minute break and thereafter, Mayor Hosterman reconvened the <br /> meeting. <br /> Councilmember McGovern questioned if there were definitions of "slope" in the General Plan <br /> and could there be definitions of a "ridgeline." Mr. Iserson said the definition of slope is in the <br /> Land Use Element and ridgeline could be added. <br /> Councilmember Cook-Kallio questioned if the definition of a slope describes where it starts and <br /> ends, and Mr. Iserson said it was more like a mathematical definition. Councilmember <br /> McGovern said the definition is for 100% slope and this does not mean definitions could also be <br /> included to identify things in Item 20. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan said there has been comments about 10 units being exempt, and he <br /> questioned did that mean if there was a project more than 10 units, they could reduce it to 10 <br /> and build on top of a hilltop. Mr. Iserson said if any project has less than 10 units, they could, <br /> but there are other regulations in the General Plan, a PUD process would define conditions and <br /> necessarily could condition where the homes are built. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan said he objects to the process, does not believe it mirrors public <br /> processes followed in the past. Mayor Hosterman said her intent was to allow Councilmembers <br /> who felt they had difficulty in separating the issues to make comments on both issues <br /> simultaneously. <br /> City Council Minutes 10 May 20, 2008 <br />