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Mayor Hosterman introduced the item, which was originally heard at the Council's last meeting and <br /> subsequently failed by a 2-2 vote. <br /> Director of Community Development Dolan presented a brief recap of the staff report via PowerPoint, <br /> stating that the item relates to the City's response to comments received by HCD regarding the City's <br /> Housing Element. HCD's comments focused on Program 9.1 and discussion contained within the <br /> accompanying background report. Based on a request from HCD, staff has added language to Program <br /> 9.1, which relates to the City's intent to revise its growth management program that commits to creating <br /> a more efficient process. <br /> With regards to the background report, HCD requested factual information regarding residential <br /> development standards for the single and multifamily residential units in all zoning districts. Staff <br /> prepared a table (Page 85) that compiles information from previously adopted City documents, <br /> including the Municipal Code, as well as the Hacienda TOD Standards and housing site development <br /> standards recently adopted by the Council. In addition to the table, staff provided some descriptive <br /> narrative on Page 87. One portion of this narrative, which states that "development review of multifamily <br /> projects on these sites (referring to the 9 Housing Element sites) by the Planning Commission and City <br /> Council will be limited to an evaluation of the project as to its consistency with the Development <br /> Standards and Design Guidelines," created some concern at the last meeting. <br /> HCD requested additional information on local processing and permit procedures. Staff provided a table <br /> on Page 88 and narrative on Page 89 regarding housing types permitted by zone. As with the previous <br /> table, all information was compiled from previously approved City documents. The additional text stated <br /> that "projects complying with the Development Standards and Design Guidelines will be approved," <br /> which also created concern at the last meeting. <br /> HCD's next request was for additional information regarding development fees and fees as a proportion <br /> of total development costs. Staff provided narrative description on Pages 90 and 91 using fees from the <br /> Master Fee Schedule to prove that City fees are not so high as to prohibi: the development of <br /> affordable housing. HCD also requested information regarding development review procedures and the <br /> cost of required improvements. Staff provided additional text regarding the process as well as new <br /> information about the possibility of requiring on and off site improvements on Page 94. <br /> Lastly, HCD requested an analysis of the impacts of the Growth Management arid Inclusionary Zoning <br /> Ordinances relative to the cost and production of housing. Staff inserted several paragraphs between <br /> Pages 96 and 106 that provide various analyses of how the City's home sales and rate of growth have <br /> not really been affected by either ordinance over the period of time that they have been in effect. In <br /> making the argument, staff added a phrase about affordable housing projects that generated concern <br /> by the Council. Staff considered the Council's position, does not believe the text to be germane to the <br /> argument, and subsequently removed the language. <br /> Mr. Lowell noted for the record that the public hearing for this item was closed at the last meeting. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan thanked staff for preparing a PowerPoint so the public could review the <br /> proposed changes. He reiterated his concerns relative to the text on Pages 87 and 89 and asked how <br /> the General Plan, with its various policies on development conditions, infrastructure, and mitigations, fit <br /> into this. <br /> Mr. Fialho stated that the Housing Element is an element of the General Plan, which has programs and <br /> policies that are very specific as to what a development should do if an identifiable mitigation is called <br /> out. The nine sites identified in the General Plan that relate specifically to the Development Standards <br /> and Design Guidelines referenced in the text in question would also have to comply with the General <br /> Plan's programs and policies. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 9 of 12 October 16, 2012 <br />