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the ordinance will occur next year, the Council is being asked to consider amending the ordinance to <br /> include several elements at this time. <br /> 1. Amend the annual allocation from a fixed 350 units to one tied directly to the Regional Housing <br /> Needs Allocation (RHNA) numbers assigned to the City and the RHNA cycle. If approved, this <br /> would take effect with the next RHNA cycle in January 2014. <br /> Mr. Bocian noted that the 2,058 units identified in the staff report is the draft RHNA number and may <br /> change. <br /> Councilmember McGovern referred to section 17.36.060 (D) of the attached Growth Management <br /> Program. She asked whether, if the City were to borrow or trade units from another year, there would <br /> be some affirmation that the infrastructure is sufficient to support the permits issued and overall RHNA <br /> needs. <br /> Mr. Fialho said staff could prepare language acknowledging such a process. <br /> Councilmember McGovern referred to Section 76.36.090, noting a reference to major project sub <br /> allocations that should be removed. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan referred to Section 17.36.050, which refers to periodic review of the Growth <br /> Management Report, and noted this used to be done yearly. <br /> Mr. Bocian said the language recently adopted by the Council is "periodically," which staff implies to <br /> mean as the Council determines it to be appropriate. <br /> Councilmember McGovern asked how staff expects to determine for the Council that a reallocation of <br /> units can be supported. <br /> Mr. Fialho said the most appropriate way to do so, particularly in an environment where the City is <br /> borrowing from future years' units, is to acknowledge that in the staff reports as they come forward. He <br /> reminded her that it is a two-step process starting with project approval, followed by a petition for <br /> growth management. In one of those two instances staff would make a recommendation regarding <br /> infrastructure capacity and availability. <br /> Mr. Bocian continued his review of the proposed changes. <br /> 2. Elimination of sub-allocations. <br /> 3. Amended language reflecting that the trading and transfer of units from year to year are <br /> permitted at the discretion of the Council and providing they do not result in the total <br /> number of unit allocations exceeding the number of RHNA units assigned in a given <br /> period. <br /> 4. Amended language regarding application prior approved units. <br /> Mr. Bocian recommended the Council adopt the resolution introducing the ordinance amending Chapter <br /> 17.36 of the Municipal code. <br /> Mayor Hosterman opened the public hearing and seeing no speakers, immediately closed the public <br /> hearing. <br /> MOTION: It was M/s by McGovern/Thorne to approve the staff recommendation, as amended. Motion <br /> passed by the following vote: <br /> City Council Minutes Page 11 of 12 October 16, 2012 <br />