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referred to the State of Indiana as one who has chosen to explore the less expensive option of HSA <br /> plans. He wondered how the grandchildren of today's citizens would react to paying for firefighters and <br /> police officers who were promised things that their predecessors could not pay for. <br /> V. Venkatesan said that the issues remain consistent year after year — the taxpayers have no <br /> representation and the Council is fighting with both hands tied behind its back while the unions remain <br /> in control. He asked if Tier 1 medical benefits could be changed since they are not yet vested. <br /> Mr. Bartel said the question of whether retiree medical benefits can be changed for current employees <br /> is a legal matter that is not entirely clear. He explained that while Orange County negotiated with its <br /> unions to do exactly that, they are in the middle of a lawsuit regarding the matter and no clear yes or no <br /> answer has been established. <br /> Leslie Jones said she agreed with all those who have asked for a public debate on this matter. She <br /> stated that the entire community is struggling in this economy and that many have taken significant hits <br /> to their own salaries and investments but continue to pay for these exorbitant unfunded liabilities. <br /> Vice-Mayor Thorne closed the public hearing. <br /> In response to Ms. Ayala's questions, Councilmember Cook-Kallio said that she welcomes help and <br /> support from all members of the community and that each, whether they are developers, business <br /> owners, or members of union, deserve respect from the Council for the hard work that they do. She <br /> said she has taken money from developers, the Chamber of Commerce, union members, and many <br /> individuals in the community in past elections. She has not, to date, accepted money from any unions <br /> but she has accepted help from any individual who lives in Pleasanton and has offered to work on her <br /> campaign. She found it humorous that she has been accused of being bought off by the Chamber, then <br /> developers, and then unions. This speaks clearly to the fact that she is fair, has a critical mind, acts <br /> independently and makes decisions based on fact. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan said he had a difficult time understanding the position that there has been no <br /> public debate, noting that this has been the premier topic of discussion in Pleasanton over the last two <br /> years. He asked staff to identify the total number of meetings on this subject. He confirmed that there is <br /> a long-term plan, noting for Ms. Ayala's benefit that it was discussed at several meetings and adopted <br /> at a public meeting one year ago. In terms of campaign contributions, he stated that he is not running <br /> for office and has received no contributions in the last four years. He could not recall specifically, but <br /> did not believe he had received any contributions from unions prior to that. He thanked staff and LPFD <br /> for working collaboratively to try to achieve the goals set by the Council one year ago. He recognized <br /> that some members of the public may not believe there is enough progress, but said he believed it to <br /> be a balanced approach to addressing these issues while still treating employees fairly through the <br /> collective bargaining process. <br /> Councilmember McGovern said she is not running for election and that she did not seek any <br /> endorsements from unions or other representative groups in her last. She felt the negotiating process <br /> had accomplished much of what the public asked for, including the full employee contribution to the <br /> EPMC and reduced retiree medical costs. She appreciated the public's ongoing input and growing <br /> awareness and assured them that the issue has a constant presence with the Council as well. <br /> Vice-Mayor Thorne responded to an earlier question about the Council's actions at the state level and <br /> said that as a League board member, he is lobbying quite aggressively. He said that in his experience, <br /> it is more effective to work with the leadership of the Legislature and the Governor rather than with <br /> individual Assembly members and that is where the League is focusing its attention. He said he has not <br /> received, nor does he intend to accept, any union contributions as part of this campaign. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 9 of 19 August 21, 2012 <br />
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