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Mr. Fialho recommended that they add a statement to page 9 that "height shall be compatible with the <br /> adjacent neighborhood." He deferred to Mr. Dolan for page placement. <br /> Councilmembers McGovern and Sullivan agreed. <br /> Councilmember McGovern said that without a clear understanding of what open space would be <br /> available for children, she would have a hard time approving this. She asked if staff could return with an <br /> open space analysis in the context of these sites and multi-family development. <br /> Mr. Dolan said not within the current timeline. He said he was not optimistic about the ability to demand <br /> a higher open space requirement and still expect developers to deliver a project at these densities. <br /> Mr. Fialho said that every project would be evaluated on its merits as it comes forward. He suggested <br /> that staff could add a statement emphasizing the policy aspects and importance of open space as each <br /> project comes forward. He noted that where it cannot be achieved, the City does have ordinances that <br /> require developers to pay in-lieu fees to augment other locations within the community or construct <br /> trails to nearby parks. <br /> Ms. Stern summarized the changes prepared by staff and the Council as follows: <br /> • Revisions to Table 2.1, as discussed; <br /> • Density ranges: <br /> • Sites 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8: 30-35 units per acre <br /> • Site 3: 40 units per acre <br /> • Sites 6, 7 and 9: 30 units per acre <br /> • Relocating the paragraph related to standards and guidelines to the end of the same <br /> section within the Vision Statement; <br /> • Note added to Maximum Height on page 9 that heights shall be compatible with the <br /> adjacent neighborhood; <br /> • Changes identified within the staff presentation <br /> Councilmember Cook-Kallio said she could support the recommendation with the addition of language <br /> concerning open space mitigation that may include trails or access to other parks within the community. <br /> MOTION: It was m/s by Cook-Kallio/Sullivan to introduce ordinances to adopt Housing Site <br /> Development Standards and Design Guidelines as described by staff and amended by the Council. <br /> Motion carried by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Councilmembers Cook-Kallio, Sullivan, Thorne <br /> Noes: Councilmember McGovern <br /> Absent: Mayor Hosterman <br /> MATTERS INITIATED BY COUNCIL <br /> Councilmember Sullivan suggested that staff attempt mediation between Ms. Fink, Mr. Pretzel and Mr. <br /> Baker. If not successful, he would like the matter to return to the Council. He said it was his intent to <br /> mitigate the impacts of the fence on those neighbors that were suffering and in his mind this meant a <br /> fence height of 6 feet from their property. He acknowledged staff's interpretation and application of the <br /> Municipal Code but said he also believed that the grade on Mr. Baker's side of the fence was artificially <br /> raised. He requested the Council's support to proceed as outlined. <br /> Vice-Mayor Thorne and Councilmember Cook-Kallio offered their support. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 18 of 19 August 21, 2012 <br />