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WORKPLAN <br /> inventor}'would quantify emissions from relevant offsite project impacts, <br /> including emissions associated with offsite energy generation. The emissions <br /> analysis will also account for the trip generation,trip diversion, internal <br /> capture rates,and project-specific trip lengths,if provided in the project's <br /> traffic impact analysis. <br /> Biological Resources. FCS will perform a site reconnaissance to <br /> characterize plant and animal species and habitats in the Specific Plan area. <br /> We will also assess the potential extent of jurisdictional wetlands and water of <br /> the United States. Based on FCS's review of the National Wedand's <br /> Inventory the plan area contains several features that are classified as <br /> wetlands (Figure X Wetlands Map) . <br /> The site reconnaissance will be used to determine potential impacts that may <br /> result from implementation of the Specific Plan,and will be die basis for the <br /> biological resources impacts analysis in the EIR. Specifically,FCS will <br /> determine whether implementation of the Specific Plan would result in <br /> impacts to wetlands and water of the US, impacts to special-status species,or <br /> substantial degradation to the quality or quantity of habitat. <br /> The City's General Plan and EIR contain information specif c to the <br /> surrounding planning area that will be used for the analysis and as a basis for <br /> mitigation of impacts on biological resources. The General Plan FIR <br /> indicates that species such as burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia), tricolored <br /> blackbird (Agelaius tricolor) could be present. In 2011,Zone 7 completed <br /> environmental review of proposed improvements and maint.nance of Cope <br /> Lake,including biological field reconnaissance. MBA will review the data <br /> associated with this MND and will reference the results of the field surveys <br /> where appropriate in the EIR. In addition,the California Natural Diversity <br /> Data Base identifies the following species with a potential for occurrence: <br /> Plants: <br /> • San Joaquin spearscale: Atriplex joaquinana (CA status: not listed) <br /> • Saline clover:Trifolium hydrophilum (CA status: not listed) <br /> • Prostrate pincushionplant: Navarretia prostrate <br /> • Congdon's tarweed: Centromadia parryi ssp. Congdonii (CA status: not <br /> listed) <br /> • Capefmit tropidocarpum:Tropidocarpum capparideum. <br /> Amphibians: <br /> • California Red-legged Frog: Rana aurora draytonii (CA Department of <br /> Fish &Game Species of Special Concern) <br /> • California Tiger Salamander: Ambystoma Californiense (CA <br /> Department of Fish &Game Species of Special Concern,and Federally <br /> listed as Threatened) <br /> • Foothill Yellow-legged Frog: Rana boylii (CA Department of Fish & <br /> Game Species of Special Concern) <br /> Reptiles: <br /> • Alameda whipsnake: Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus (state listed as <br /> threatened,and federally listed as threatened) <br /> GATES <br /> •ASSOCIATES <br />