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park would be landscaped in turf. While it will be a City park BRE has prepared graphics as to what it <br /> could look like which he displayed and described. <br /> Councilmember McGovern questioned whether or not the two courtyards would be used more if <br /> relocated by the pool. Mr. Dolan stated staff can further explore this with the applicant, although the <br /> park setting will be quiet and away from activities of the pool area. <br /> Mr. Dolan then presented the circulation system of the project and said staff will work with the applicant <br /> on the connection to the trail going around from the middle of the project. He then described the tot lot <br /> and public park amenities. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan said the task force never discussed a size for the park but the public was <br /> hoping for a plain, field-type of park. He questioned how the concept was developed. Mr. Dolan <br /> reiterated that land is at a premium and also the difficulties associated with designing projects at a 30 <br /> unit per acre density. When the developer made the concession to agree to include a park there was <br /> some discussion about what kind of parks could be accomplished. Reference was made to Veterans <br /> Park on Peters which he said is roughly the same size. The proposed park is L-shaped and runs <br /> adjacent to the trail alongside the project and the grass area is 48' x 120' or a small soccer field size. <br /> Mr. Fialho added that not shown in the photograph is that the park backs up to the vacant, undeveloped <br /> parcel in excess of 10 acres which is owned by W.P. Carey and leased by Shaklee. Staff has been <br /> communicating with the owner in the hopes to acquire more land to add to that space over time. <br /> In conclusion, Mr. Dolan recommended the Council provide feedback, particularly architecture, site <br /> plan, and exceptions, i.e., the minimum frontage of live/work along Gibraltar, the exception to the <br /> storefront depth, and the requirement in the guidelines of 40 feet. He said not discussed is the issue of <br /> internal streets. There is a requirement in the guidelines that talks about the provision of an internal <br /> street to make this seem more like a neighborhood. An internal street would be one that has travel <br /> lanes, parallel parking on each side, a planter, a sidewalk and more landscaping. Staff has been <br /> working with the applicant on both sites to try and replicate this and there are a few arrangements that <br /> work and meet that guideline. But, in both cases that layout is not very efficient and it eats into the open <br /> space. He offered to present graphics that would show what would be lost if doing a true internal street; <br /> however, the reduction in open space is significant. In this case, it is an exception because of the value <br /> on the open space that staff can probably support. <br /> Vice-Mayor Cook-Kallio opened public comment. <br /> Bob Linder, BRE Properties, said from their standpoint they are not sure about the long-term viability of <br /> retail fronting Owens because it is located within the business park and traffic and residents leave the <br /> area after 5PM. They propose providing 5,700 square feet of great retail space at the corners that have <br /> the depth per the guidelines as well as floor to ceiling heights on both the live/work and also the retail. <br /> When designing these as live/live units, it is difficult to design a residential unit with a 40 foot depth <br /> because it will feel like a bowling alley to whoever leases out that space. <br /> With regard to parking, he said, relocating spaces outside the area makes it inconvenient for residents <br /> of the 4-story building. This is of benefit to them because they have an elevator at the ground floor up to <br /> the 4`" floor. The other issue is that if parking is lost, they will also lose density. As mentioned by Mr. <br /> Dolan, it is difficult on the low end of this density to get 30 units to the acre. Reducing any more units <br /> will make them under the guidelines. <br /> With respect to the park and open space, Mr. Linder said there were comments about the pool and <br /> recreation area. It is more a product of the configuration of the triangular site that makes it difficult. The <br /> buildings, fitness center, the leasing facility and the clubhouse are all the same size and are based on <br /> City Council Planning Commission Page 5 of 11 February 8,2012 <br /> Joint Workshop Minutes <br />