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there had been a discussion about "should" or "shall" or "may" versus "must," then she <br /> would be more comfortable going back into the condition; however, given there was no <br /> discussion and it was approved, she needs to support that decision. <br /> Commissioner Narum stated that she generally agrees with the Commissioners that <br /> considering the intent, the best thing to do at this point is to leave the condition as it is, <br /> have the Lopezes make the payment, and get on with this and put it to bed. She noted <br /> that she supported this application when it came before the Commission, and she <br /> recalled making a comment that of all the neighbors, she thought the one house that <br /> was going to be impacted most by this was the Perrys'. She indicated that she was a <br /> little distressed to see this come back to the Commission because she believes people <br /> should be trying to put the neighborhood back together as best as they can. She stated <br /> that the payment needs to be made and that if she were to do anything more, it would <br /> be to change the condition to increase the amount to be paid up to $4,000 since that is <br /> what the bids are for. <br /> Commissioner Olson stated that he is not only distressed that this is back before the <br /> Commission but also really hurt for all of these people. He indicated that his sense is <br /> that there is no trust on either side and likes the idea of the City, in effect, acting as an <br /> escrow here. He stated that he thinks the Lopezes should pay the money to show their <br /> intent to pay, and the City should hold it. He added that he thinks the Perrys should get <br /> the skylight that they say they want and agreed with Commissioner Narum regarding <br /> increasing the amount of money to cover the entire cost of installation. <br /> Chair Pentin stated that the term "distress" is pretty well used and added that he feels <br /> disappointed that after this amount of time, this neighborhood is still having the <br /> problems they are having and the neighbors are having the problems with each other. <br /> He indicated that he looks at this a couple of ways: First, when the Lopezes received <br /> approval from the City Council, part of that approval was to put aside $2,500 for a <br /> skylight; however, with the time that it has taken to build, maybe from the Perrys' point <br /> of view, the skylight is not as necessary as some other modifications that might bring <br /> more light into the house. He noted that is the Perrys' choice because of the way the <br /> Council worded the condition. Second, the other side, is that the Lopezes agreed to <br /> pay $2,500, whether it be put in escrow or that the skylight has been put in. He noted <br /> that that was the City Council's decision and he does not want to change that. He <br /> stated that he agreed with Commissioner Narum and Commissioner Olson if he were <br /> leaning in any direction, it would be that if the Lopezes want to change, they can do one <br /> of two things: they can pay the $2,500 for the skylight as per the Council's decision, or <br /> the Commission can take one of the three bids and the Lopezes can pay that amount <br /> and have the skylight installed. <br /> Commissioner Blank moved to make no changes to the conditions in City Council <br /> Resolution No. 11-420, attached as Exhibit A to the staff report, with the <br /> understanding that the Perrys may use the $2,500 payment by the Lopezes for a <br /> skylight or other purposes. <br /> Commissioner Peace seconded the motion. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 25, 2012 Page 11 of 12 <br />