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Mr. Perry said yes and added that the Lopezes waited until the 30th day to respond. <br /> Ms. Perry noted that everyone knew the language of the condition all along, and no one <br /> came forward to dispute it; and now the Lopezes are here asking for a modification, <br /> doing the same thing again, which was not a surprise to anyone. <br /> Mr. Lopez stated that he and his wife are shocked and a little beside ourselves on the <br /> character assassination association. He indicated that he understands how people can <br /> interpret things differently, but this is definitely skewed. He noted that they have called <br /> the police on numerous occasions for being harassed, mostly noise complaints of loud <br /> music being played late into the night. He added that they do have a videotape of the <br /> Perrys' children like the Perrys have been saying, but the Perrys have called them much <br /> worse in person. <br /> Mr. Lopez stated that he does a lot of coaching and the Perrys have said in public that <br /> he is a child molester, a pedophile, and things like that. He noted that they have shown <br /> the police the video they have of him asking the neighbor to please turn down the music <br /> at night, and the police have confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the video. He <br /> added that there are so many things mentioned about them that he would be spending <br /> too much time trying to debunk most of it. He noted that they are the ones being <br /> harassed, but they would like to stay with the facts of this case. He added that they did <br /> not wait up to 30 days to respond to the bids. <br /> Ms. Lopez stated that as soon as they got the three bids from Ms. Bonn, she <br /> immediately contacted Mr. Dolan because she wanted to confirm these were just bids, a <br /> piece of paper that indicates exactly how much the skylight would cost and not that the <br /> work would be done. She indicated that it took Mr. Dolan 24 hours to get back to her <br /> and that he told her that the Perrys did not have to install the skylight. She stated that <br /> the intent was to install the skylight in good faith of what the City Council agreed upon <br /> as provided in Option 3, and working things out between the Perrys and the Lopezes <br /> meant getting together and working out the details specifically with respect to the <br /> installation of a skylight. Ms. Lopez continued that when Mr. Dolan informed her that <br /> the Perrys could use the fund for other means, they hired an attorney and contacted <br /> Mr. Dolan, the City Manager, and the City Attorney. She stated that it took the attorneys <br /> two weeks to discuss the matter, and in the final week, they got word from the City <br /> Manager that the City Attorney's position was that in order for them to bring this matter <br /> back on the table, they would have to file an appeal, which they submitted a few days <br /> later. <br /> Mr. Lopez reiterated that during the City Council meeting, Mayor Hosterman stated that <br /> the details did not have to be worked out that night and that they— the Perrys and the <br /> Lopezes and not the attorneys — could work it out later. He added that then they got the <br /> bids and were informed that the language of the condition does not say that they have <br /> to install a skylight. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 25, 2012 Page 9 of 12 <br />