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"When I talk about control, if you look in the police records for what's gone on, <br /> there have been 54 instances in the past year that the Lopezes have called the <br /> police to their home to deal with what's been going on. There has been no more <br /> than 10 calls from any other neighbor; one from my family. The Pleasanton <br /> Police have been required to issue citations by the Lopezes. They have told us <br /> that. After decades of service never having had done that before, all citations <br /> have been dismissed by the City Attorney. <br /> "And last but not least, in the mediation meetings, I want to read this one <br /> paragraph that is critically important as far as the intent. As the skylight issue <br /> was being discussed, and I was in the mediation meetings and Mr. Dolan was <br /> there as well, Mr. Lopez inquired how the process would work. He specifically <br /> asked if he would have his own contractor do the work and pay him directly. <br /> Mr. Dolan pointed out that if the Applicant's contractor did the work and there <br /> were problems later, the Perrys would be looking to the Applicant's to remedy the <br /> problem. Mr. Dolan told the Applicants that typically in this type of situation, the <br /> Perrys would get three bids for the work and the Applicants would write a check <br /> directly to the Perrys for the lowest of the three bids but not to exceed their <br /> agreed upon maximum. This is the same resolution that was put in by the staff <br /> and recommended by the staff for this evening. <br /> "Last but not least, if they're going to allow this to happen, why do we not just <br /> allow the Perrys to come up and dispute every single thing because the Perrys <br /> might not have enough money to go from $2,500 to $4,000 to put a skylight in." <br /> Joe Perry, neighbor, stated that his decision to come here a year ago and speak on <br /> behalf of their home caused his family dearly. He noted that while they accepted the <br /> City's decision to approve the building, the Lopezes cannot move on; they are <br /> consumed with hate and revenge. <br /> Mr. Perry stated that he knew this meeting is supposed to be based on the skylight <br /> issue. He told the Commissioners, however, that they have not lived his life or that of <br /> his family this past year. He noted that his family has been stalked, harassed, and <br /> ridiculed; he had been physically assaulted by these people in front of many witnesses. <br /> He added that they live as prisoners in their own home; their children cannot make <br /> noises outside, and their dog cannot bark and has to stay inside. He added further that <br /> they cannot park their cars the wrong way because the police will be called, just like the <br /> 60 times they have been in the past year. <br /> Mr. Perry asked who lives this way and when does it end. He noted that even to this <br /> day, the Lopezes have bright lights shining into their [the Perrys'] front room window, <br /> and this is because they can and they live by their own rules. He added that this whole <br /> skylight issue is just one more way to harass and control his family. He indicated that <br /> this was offered and promised to them; the Lopezes knew the terms, it was approved by <br /> the City Council; but the Lopezes have waited until the last minute to dispute it so the <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 25, 2012 Page 7 of 12 <br />