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Mr. Lopez added that again, in good faith, they had had purchased the tree within the <br /> time allotted but did not plant it because it would have been thrashed from the <br /> construction. <br /> Commissioner Blank noted that the City Council meeting Minutes state Vice Mayor <br /> Cook-Kallio as saying that "if the belly band is something the appellants did not <br /> necessarily want, she did not want the applicant to incur the added expense." He asked <br /> Mr. Lopez if they had actually gone ahead and installed it anyway. <br /> Mr. Lopez replied that the Perrys had indicated to staff that they wanted all the options. <br /> David Persin, former neighbor, started by saying that he had the most respect for <br /> Mr. Dolan and did not say this lightly. He noted that Mr. Dolan has been in a very <br /> difficult situation in all this and that while he agrees with the staff report, he disagrees <br /> with Mr. Dolan that the background information here is not salient; rather, it is <br /> completely relevant. He added that after dealing with this issue for 18 months, he would <br /> like to get on the public record: <br /> "My name is David Person and my wife and I were the previous residents of the <br /> home at 6209 Robin Court, located directly behind the Applicant's residence. <br /> am speaking at the request of our friends, the Perrys, as they feel I may be more <br /> comfortable than they are at articulating some of the frustration of their situation. <br /> I am also speaking to corroborate what was said in the mediation meetings <br /> between the parties, which discussion ultimately led to the formulation of the <br /> skylight condition. Finally, I'm speaking to set the record straight about the <br /> Applicants who continue to try and portray themselves as the victims when in <br /> reality they are, and always have been, the aggressors. This is critically <br /> important. This is about control and nothing else, and you will hear that when <br /> you hear from me on what has gone on and you will hear about what has <br /> happened with the Perrys. <br /> "Let me first tell you that this past June, my family and I moved out of the home <br /> we had lived in at 6209 Robin Court for the past 16 years, that we put an addition <br /> on, that we customized for ourselves, that we put hundreds of thousands of <br /> dollars in, because we could no longer live by these people and what they've <br /> done to our family. We don't live there anymore. We left our close friends and <br /> our neighbors — people that we have loved as part of our family — because we <br /> cannot live by those people anymore. My wife has been aggressively <br /> approached at our daughter's elementary school. My wife has been verbally <br /> assaulted by Ms. Lopez at her daughter's dance studio. My wife has been <br /> followed in her vehicle by Ms. Lopez and aggressively approached by Mr. Lopez <br /> as she went over to the Perrys' house to pick up their daughter. My daughter <br /> has been stared down and verbally accosted — she was nine years old; her <br /> birthday is today; she is 10 — at her dance studio and at school by the applicant's <br /> children. My son has been stared down by the applicant's son at his middle <br /> school, Thomas Hart Middle School. Parents and teachers at both our children's <br /> elementary and middle schools have told us that Ms. Lopez has repeatedly <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 25, 2012 Page 5 of 12 <br />