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Mr. Dolan replied that at the last minute, there was some question about whether it was <br /> necessary to include the skylight condition, and ultimately, it was left in. <br /> Commissioner Pearce inquired if that was a "yes or no" question and not a discussion of <br /> the language or the intent of the condition or anything similar. <br /> Mr. Dolan said that was correct. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br /> Rodney Lopez, Applicant , stated that the City Council staff report that came out after <br /> mediation had added the skylight and some other options done during mediation but <br /> that nowhere in the 140-page report does it mention the use of the funds for anything <br /> other than the installation of a skylight. He noted that Mayor Hosterman had stated <br /> during the meeting that they could work out the details later on, and this is what they are <br /> doing right now. <br /> Mr. Lopez stated that they are not attorneys but that they noticed later that this option, <br /> as written, had a loophole in that they were to pay the Perrys up to $2,500 for a skylight; <br /> however, there was no language to make sure the Perrys actually installed a skylight. <br /> He indicated that the option was written with the intent that the Perrys would install a <br /> skylight because of the issues they had brought up. He noted that when the time came, <br /> they questioned the ethics and how the option's language was intended, that they were <br /> hopeful it was not merely monetary with no intent to ever mitigate this issue. He added <br /> that they did not want this money to be seen as a bribe or buyout, so they went to the <br /> City to try and work it out. He stated that they felt this was not a good precedent to set <br /> for the City of Pleasanton and its Community of Character, that any neighbor could hold <br /> up a building process just to get a payment without mitigating the issue of concern. <br /> Mr. Lopez pointed out that in the staff report, they have offered an amendment to that <br /> option, which they prefer to Option 1 , which is also reasonable. He stated that both <br /> options have language stating that they will pay the funds for the installation of the <br /> skylight once it is installed. He noted, however, that they would like to add tonight two <br /> statements which were missing from both options: (1) that after 180 days, if the skylight <br /> has not been installed, the funds would be returned to the Lopez family; and (2) that the <br /> funds offered is up to $2,500 based upon some bids, but that it also be based on the <br /> actual cost of the actual skylight installed to prevent any bait or switching, in case the <br /> Perrys decide to install a skylight other than one of those on the bids, resulting in the <br /> Lopezes paying more than what the actual cost of the skylight is. <br /> Trina Lopez, Applicant, noted that the City Council Minutes indicate that, in regard to <br /> Option 3, Vice Mayor Cook-Kallio did ask whether or not the Perrys wanted the skylight. <br /> Ms. Lopez stated that, in good faith, the intent has always been to install the skylight <br /> and that the purpose of the $2,500 was never for any other usage. She added that this <br /> is the reason they are asking the Planning Commission to look at this again. She cited <br /> Mr. Lopez's earlier statement that they are not attorneys but residents of Pleasanton <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 25, 2012 Page 3 of 12 <br />