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STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br /> Staff recommends that the Planning Commission make no changes to the conditions in City <br /> Council Resolution 11-420 attached to this report as Exhibit A, with the understanding that <br /> the Perrys may use the $2,500 payment by the Lopezes for a skylight or other purposes. <br /> Option 1 <br /> If the Planning Commission concludes that the subject payment must be used for a <br /> skylight, staff proposes that the following revisions to Condition number 8 of City Council <br /> Resolution 11-420 be made. Text in strikeout (example) is proposed to be deleted and text <br /> in bold red with double underline (example) is proposed as new text. <br /> "In order to allow for additional sunlight in the Perry residence, the applicants shall <br /> provide payment for the cost to purchase and install one skylight in the front room of <br /> the Perry residence. The amount of the payment shall be determined by the lowest of <br /> three bids obtained by the Perrys for the time and materials of a licensed contractor to <br /> complete the installation of the skylight and shall wt exceed 52,500. The funds shall <br /> be provided by Rodney and Trina Lopez tszjhe City of <br /> Pleasanton in the form of a check made payable to Joe and TinaMarie Perry <br /> within 10 calendar days of the effective date of this approval. The City of <br /> Pleasanton shall release the check to the Perrys upon the Perrys receiving <br /> approval of final inspection by the City Building and Safety Division. The Perrys <br /> shall secure final inspection by the City Building and Safety Divison within 180 <br /> dys of the effective date of this approval - - - . •• <br /> eed $2 500 0n <br /> �w�-yc�oo. <br /> Staff Planner: Shweta Bonn; (925) 931-5611, sbonn <br /> Case No. PADR-2090, Lopez Planning Commission <br /> Page 6 of 6 <br />