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ATTACHMENT 2 <br /> Soap <br /> January 6, 2012 <br /> Janice Stern <br /> B A Y AREA Planning Manager <br /> Community Development Department <br /> AIR QUALITY P.O. Box 520 <br /> MANAGEMEN r Pleasanton, CA 94566 <br /> D I s T u I c T Subject: Draft Climate Action Plan <br /> SINCE 1955 <br /> Dear Ms. Janice Stern: <br /> ALAMEDA COUNTY <br /> Tom Bates <br /> Bay Area Air Quality Management District (District) staff submitted a comment <br /> (Chairperson) Y Q }' b ( ) <br /> Scott Haggerty letter(dated November 16, 201 1)on The City of Pleasanton's (City's) Housing <br /> Jennifer Hosterman Element Update, Climate Action Plan, General Plan Amendment and Rezoning, <br /> Nate Miley P > , g. <br /> Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. In the letter, the District <br /> CONTRA COSTA COUNTY <br /> John Gioia recommended several changes to the Draft Climate Action Plan (Plan) in order for <br /> (Vice-Chair) the Plan to be considered a"Qualified Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy" in <br /> David Hudson <br /> Mark Ross accordance with the District's CEQA Guidelines. Subsequently, City staff has <br /> Gayle B Uilkema modified the Plan following the District's recommendations. <br /> NAPA COUNTY <br /> Brad Wagenknecht In its earlier letter, the District advised that the City was incorrectly including <br /> SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY greenhouse gas (01 10) emission reductions from future increases in fuel prices and <br /> Edwin Anal e that the Plan should be adjusted accordingly. The City responded by removing <br /> Eric Mar projected GIIG reductions due to potential fuel price changes from the Plan, leaving <br /> SAN MATEO COUNTY the Plan approximately 11,000 tons short of achieving its 01-10 reduction target. <br /> Carole Groom Upon advice of the District, the City strengthened mitigation measure TDM2-9, <br /> Carol Klan which requires new commercial developments over a certain size to provide <br /> SANTA CLARA COUNTY transportation demand management programs to employees, This modification <br /> Susan Garner <br /> Ash Kalra serves to include more employers in the requirement, thus achieving greater 0110 <br /> (Secretary) reductions. In addition,recent data on home solar installations has revealed that <br /> Liz Kniss <br /> Ken Yeager mitigation measure ER2-2 (Solar City Program) has achieved Par greater actual <br /> SOLANO COUNTY 01-10 reductions than anticipated. The greater levels of emissions reduced by these <br /> James Spering two measures has more than compensated for the shortfall caused by removing <br /> SONOMA COUNTY 0140 reductions due to fuel price changes. <br /> Susan Garin <br /> Shirlee Zane The District supports the changes to the Plan made by the City. With these <br /> Jack P.Broadbent modifications, the District believes that this Plan meets the minimum standard <br /> EXECUTIVE OFFICER/APCO elements of a Qualified GHO Reduction Strategy as defined by the District's CEQA <br /> Guidelines. <br /> The District appreciates the early and regular communication that City staff and <br /> their consultants have provided to the District during the development of the Plan. <br /> The District also appreciates the responsiveness with which City staff have <br /> addressed the recommendations made in the District's November comment letter. <br /> ;` , . <br /> 939 ELLIs STREET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94109 • 415.771.6000 - WWWBAAQMD.GOV <br />