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ATTACHMENT A <br /> (c) If requested by the property owners of the Additional Properties or the <br /> Pleasanton Gardens Site, Developer shall extend to said property owners the indemnity, hold <br /> harmless and insurance protections as provided to the City by this Section 2.15, in connection <br /> with Developer's entry upon the Additional Properties or the Pleasanton Gardens Site. <br /> ARTICLE 3. <br /> GENERAL PROVISIONS <br /> Section 3.1 Limitation on Effect of Agreement. This Agreement shall not obligate <br /> either the City or the Developer to enter into a DDA or to enter into any particular DDA. By <br /> execution of this Agreement, the City is not committing itself to or agreeing to undertake <br /> acquisition, disposition, or exercise of control over any parcels in the Site. Execution of this <br /> Agreement by the City is merely an agreement to conduct a period of exclusive negotiations in <br /> accordance with the terms hereof, reserving for subsequent City action the final discretion and <br /> approval regarding the execution of a DDA and all proceedings and decisions in connection <br /> therewith. Any DDA resulting from negotiations pursuant to this Agreement shall become <br /> effective only if and after such DDA has been considered and approved by the City and executed <br /> by duly authorized representatives of the City and the Developer. Until and unless a DDA is <br /> signed by the Developer, approved by the City and executed by the City, no agreement drafts, <br /> actions, deliverables or communications arising from the performance of this Agreement shall <br /> impose any legally binding obligation on either party to enter into or support entering into a <br /> DDA or be used as evidence of any oral or implied agreement by either party to enter into any <br /> other legally binding document. <br /> Section 3.2 Notices. Formal notices, demands and communications (other than day to <br /> day routine communications) between the City and the Developer shall be sufficiently given if, <br /> and shall not be deemed given unless: (i) dispatched by certified mail, postage prepaid, return <br /> receipt requested, (ii) sent by express delivery or overnight courier service with a delivery <br /> receipt, (iii) personally delivered with a delivery receipt, or(iv) sent by facsimile with a copy <br /> delivered by one of the previous three methods, to the office of the parties shown as follows, or <br /> such other address as the parties may designate in writing from time to time: <br /> City: City of Pleasanton <br /> 123 Main Street <br /> Pleasanton, CA 94566-0802 <br /> Attn: Nelson Fialho <br /> Developer: MidPen Housing Corporation <br /> 303 Vintage Park Drive, Suite 250 <br /> Foster City, CA 94404 <br /> Attn: Jan Lindenthal <br /> Such written notices, demands and communications shall be effective on the date shown on the <br /> delivery receipt as the date delivered or the date on which delivery was refused. <br /> 8 <br />