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she opposes this plan is that if approved, it would set a dangerous precedent and would <br /> tread on other parts of the City's historic neighborhoods. <br /> Ms. Bourg presented photographs of the story poles taken from her kitchen window. <br /> She stated that there were no windows on the original plan, but they recently went to <br /> City Hall to look at the plans and saw that there are two windows on the second story. <br /> She noted that those windows and the front deck on the second story of the proposed <br /> property would invade their privacy because they face their kitchen, their family room, <br /> and their bathroom. She indicated that she talked with the Chief Building Official about <br /> the height of the windows, and he stated that the windows had to serve as a fire escape <br /> and would be too high at six feet. She noted that the room is also listed as a study but <br /> could be used as a bedroom. She also noted that main vegetation referred to between <br /> the two properties is low; the largest one on their side is a 25-foot-tall Photinia tree <br /> which would block some of the building; however, Photinias have a short lifespan, and <br /> this one is about 30 years old. She stated that they did not have 30 years to grow <br /> anything that would hide the building. She added that the plan would also spoil their <br /> lovely eastern view of the historic Hall home and the hills and trees beyond. <br /> Ms. Bourg stated that another issue which was also brought up earlier is that this home <br /> provides affordable rental housing which she encourages, and there are single mothers <br /> in Pleasanton who cannot afford an apartment. With respect to the three variances in <br /> addition to the one already granted, she indicated that because the lot is not deep <br /> enough, the proposed structure would sit too close to the street. She noted that this is a <br /> function of the house for being too massive for its size at a FAR of 66 percent and is <br /> further proof that this project is too much house on too small of a lot. She added that <br /> the lot is so small and narrow that there is no room on the side to park a car, the house <br /> being 30 feet wide and the lot being only 35 feet wide. She indicated that staff states <br /> that granting the variances will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent <br /> with the limitations on other properties classified in the same zoning district; however, <br /> she finds that it is a special privilege because other tandem parking situations exist only <br /> on lots of older homes, and none have been granted to new homes. She added that <br /> staff also states that the tandem parking would not pose a traffic obstruction, but she <br /> believes it would because they have a small garage situated so close to the sidewalk <br /> and to the property line that their current neighbor cannot see what is coming up the <br /> street from his right and is careful not to hit pedestrians when he backs out. She noted <br /> that there is a single renter at the house at this time, but there could be at least two <br /> people driving cars, and the situation could be more dangerous than it is now. Finally, <br /> she stated that the street space in front of the existing cottage has space for only one <br /> vehicle, but it is very steep. She noted that previous renters and their visitors rarely <br /> parked there and have consistently parked next to their house where the ground is <br /> flatter. She indicated that with two to three drivers in the household, there would be <br /> more need to park next to their house, and this is a problem for them because this is <br /> where they put their garbage and recycling cans, in addition to the already frequent <br /> parking that occurs then, including those from Baptist church members who come to <br /> services, farmers market shoppers, Wheels buses, delivery trucks, and especially <br /> workers and visitors to the Generations HealthCare across the street. She noted that <br /> this would make an already over-crowded street worse and would create more difficulty <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, NOVEMBER 9, 2011 Page 9 of 17 <br />
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