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CHAPTER 6 <br /> Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br /> A. Introduction <br /> When approving projects with Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) that identify significant <br /> impacts, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires public agencies to adopt <br /> monitoring and reporting programs or conditions of project approval to mitigate or avoid the <br /> identified significant effects(Public Resources Code Section 21081.6(a)(1)). A public agency <br /> adopting measures to mitigate or avoid the significant impacts of a proposed project is required to <br /> ensure that the measures are fully enforceable,through permit conditions, agreements, or other <br /> means(Public Resources Code Section 21081.6(b)). The mitigation measures required by a <br /> public agency to reduce or avoid significant project impacts not incorporated into the design or <br /> program for the project may be made conditions of project approval as set forth in a Mitigation <br /> Monitoring and Reporting Program(MMRP). The program must be designed to ensure project <br /> compliance with mitigation measures during project implementation. <br /> The MMRP includes the mitigation measures identified in the SEIR required to address the <br /> significant impacts associated with the proposed project. The required mitigation measures are <br /> summarized in this program; the full text of the impact analysis and mitigation measures is <br /> presented in the Draft SEIR in Chapter 2, Summary, except as revised in this Final SEIR. The <br /> mitigation revisions in the Final SEIR include revisions to Mitigation Measures 4.B-4(page 2-3 <br /> of the Final SEIR),4.0-1d(page 2-4 of the Final SEIR), 2-5 of the Final SEIR), <br /> 4.D-lb (page 2-5 of the Final SEIR), 4.J-5a(page 2-5 of the Final SEIR),4.J-5c(page 2.-6 of the <br /> Final SEIR), 4.J-7 (pages 2-6 and 2-12 of the Final SEIR),41-9 (page 2-6 of the Final SEIR), <br /> 4.L-2 (page 2-7 of the Final SEIR), and 4.N-7 (page 2-10 of the Final SEIR) <br /> B. Format <br /> The MMRP is organized in a table format(see Table 6-1), keyed to each significant impact and <br /> each SEIR mitigation measure. Only mitigation measures adopted to address significant impacts <br /> are included in this program. Each mitigation measure is set out in full, followed by a tabular <br /> summary of monitoring requirements. The column headings in the tables are defined as follows: <br /> • Mitigation Measures adopted as Conditions of Approval: This column presents the <br /> mitigation measure identified in the SEIR. <br /> General Plan Amendment and Rezonings 6-1 ESA/210016 <br /> Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report Decanter 2011 <br />