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5.Responses to Comments at the Public Hearing on the Draft EIR <br /> Dana Schlegel <br /> Comment: Stated that many needs of the City are being considered and met by the Draft Housing <br /> Element. Noted that there is a lack of K-I2 facilities for developmentally disabled students, such <br /> as autistic children. Asked that land be set aside for this, and school should be proactively built. <br /> Requested to know why schools are not being proactively built. <br /> Response: The comment does not address the adequacy of the Draft SEIR,but rather the <br /> merits of the proposed Housing Element related to academic facilities for the <br /> developmentally disabled. The concern is noted. <br /> Further, while the City can encourage these types of facilities, it cannot place requirements <br /> on future development other than the payment of statutory fees,as school facilities are the <br /> exclusive responsibility of the school district. <br /> Rebecca Walker <br /> Comment: Stated that she is a resident on Site 20 at Sycamore Road and Sunol Boulevard. Noted <br /> that she would need to relocate if the site was developed in the future. Requested that bus service <br /> be extended to Site 20 to accommodate future residents. <br /> Response: The comment does not address the adequacy of the SEIR, but rather a concern <br /> of the site selection of the proposed Housing Element. As stated on page 3-9 of the Draft <br /> SEIR, the Housing Element identifies potential sites suitable for redesignation and/or <br /> rezoning. It does not, in itself, propose a residential project on the site. <br /> Further, as noted on page 3-13 of the Draft SEIR, not all the sites will be selected to be <br /> rezoned, but are presented to give the City flexibility in the selection process. If a site were <br /> to be rezoned, a property owner would need to present a development application to the <br /> Community Development Department for multi-family housing. <br /> Transit service is discussed on pages 4.N-22 though 4.N-23 of the Draft SEIR. As noted in <br /> the Draft SEIR, both the proposed Housing Element and the Climate Action Plan include <br /> policies to encourage transportation mode alternatives including transit. Further,the <br /> General Plan policies also provide direction for working with transit agencies to reroute <br /> and increase service when needs are warranted. Specifically, General Plan Policy 13 of the <br /> Circulation Element calls for"phased transit improvements to meet the demand for existing <br /> and future development." <br /> General Plan Amendment and Rezonings 5-4 ESA/210016 <br /> Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report December 2011 <br />