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4.Written Comments on the Draft EIR and Responses to Comments <br /> residential development as the comment mentions, the majority of Site 11 is bordered by <br /> large parcels with low density development, and the site does not constitute as an infill <br /> site. Furthermore, as discussed in Impact 4.A-3,because the site is currently <br /> undeveloped,any new development at the site would result in substantial visual change. <br /> Visual change in and of itself would not result in an adverse visual quality impact and, as <br /> currently discussed in Impact 4.A-I, the Draft SEIR concludes that with the creation of a <br /> Specific Plan, development at Site 11 would result in less than significant visual quality <br /> impacts. <br /> 9-4 The comment disagrees with statement that Site 11 is in close proximity to PG&E gas <br /> line and suggests deleting it. The Draft SEIR states that a hazardous liquid pipeline is <br /> located in the vicinity of Site II, but does not identify it as belonging to PG&E. A <br /> confirming review of the mapping compiled by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials <br /> Safety Administration indicates that the hazardous liquid pipeline is located in vicinity of <br /> Bernal Avenue, located adjacent to Site II. The mapping tool does not provide site <br /> specific information so the pipeline may not intersect or be located immediately adjacent <br /> to Site 11. <br /> For clarification, the text on pages 4.G-4, under "Other Health and Safety <br /> Considerations"is revised as follows: <br /> A Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) natural gas pipeline in a 30-foot casement <br /> parallels the northern edge of the city, adjacent to 1-580 (PHMSA, 2007). In <br /> addition, according to mapping compiled by the Pipeline and Hazardous <br /> Materials Safety Administration, two hazardous liquid transmission lines run <br /> through the city. One cuts across Site 1 and then runseieg relatively close to Sites <br /> 10, 11, 6, and 17; the second runs along the southeast border of the city, north of <br /> the San Antonio Reservoir and well away from any of the potential sites for <br /> rezoning(PHMSA, 2007). Excavation in the vicinity of pipelines is regulated <br /> under the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act. <br /> 9-5 The comment states that Site I I has already been evaluated by accredited engineers and <br /> any previous contamination identified and handled appropriately. The comment suggests <br /> deleting Site 11 from any discussion regarding potential contamination. At the time of <br /> preparation of the Draft SEIR, no documentation of any site investigation or cleanup <br /> activities at Site II was made available for review; hence, the conclusion found in the <br /> document was made. However, the requirement of Mitigation Measure 4.G-2 would then <br /> be easily met by simply providing the appropriate"documentation from overseeing <br /> agency(e.g., ACEH or RWQCB)that sites with identified contamination have been <br /> remediated to levels where no threat to human health or the environment remains for the <br /> proposed uses." <br /> 9-6 The comment states that the Draft SEIR identifies Site 11 within"airport influence area" <br /> and that a local engineering and planning firm has confirmed that Site 11 is neither within <br /> the airport protection area nor the safety zone. The page 4.0-15 of the Draft SEIR states <br /> General Plan Amendment and Rezonings 4-32 ESA 1 210016 <br /> Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report December 2011 <br />