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2. Mitigation Measures 4.D-1a and 4.D-1b include the <br /> requirement for a historic resource evaluation at Sites 6 and 21. Mitigation <br /> Measure D-1 a and D-1 b as set forth in Table 6-1 of the Final EIR and listed in the <br /> MMRP are hereby incorporated by reference and described below: <br /> 4.D-1 a: On Sites 6 and 21, prior to PUD approval or demolition, whichever <br /> comes first, the project applicant shall have a historic resource evaluation <br /> conducted for the ice house and farmhouse on Site 6 and for the residence on <br /> Site 21 as applicable. If it is determined that a structure is historic, Mitigation <br /> Measure 4.D-1b will be required. If a structure is not found to be historic, <br /> demolition of the structure will be considered a less than significant impact. <br /> 4.D-lb: If the historic resources evaluation determines that Site 6 or 21 contains <br /> a historic resource, prior to demolition, the structure shall be documented <br /> according to Historic American Building Survey (HABS) standards. These <br /> standards include large format black and white photographs, an historical <br /> narrative describing the architectural and historical characteristics of the building, <br /> and measured drawings (or reproduced existing drawings if available). The <br /> HABS documentation shall be archived at the City of Pleasanton Planning <br /> Department and the City of Pleasanton Public Library. <br /> 3. Implementation of Mitigation Measures 4.D-1a and 4.D-lb <br /> would not reduce the impact to less than significant as demolition of the <br /> structures on Site 6 and 2lcould result in an adverse change in the significance <br /> of a historical resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. <br /> (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.D-15 to 4.D-16.) <br /> 2. Transportation and Traffic <br /> Impact 4.N-7 <br /> Development facilitated by the General Plan Amendment and rezonings could <br /> potentially add traffic to the regional roadway network to the point at which they would operate <br /> unacceptably under Cumulative plus Project conditions. <br /> The SEIR evaluates the impact of the proposed project related to the potential to <br /> add traffic to the regional roadway network to the point at which they would operate <br /> unacceptably under Cumulative plus Project conditions. <br /> Significance Before Mitigation: Significant <br /> Significance After Mitigation: Significant and Unavoidable <br /> Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in or incorporated into the <br /> Project, however, the changes would not reduce this impact to a less than <br /> significant level. Mitigation Measure 4.N-7 is required in or incorporated into the <br /> Project. <br />