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EXHIBIT A <br /> Resolution No. 12-492 <br /> FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS RELATED TO <br /> THE CERTIFICATION OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR <br /> THE CITY OF PLEASANTON'S HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE (AND RELATED LAND USE <br /> AMENDMENTS AND REZONINGS) AND CLIMATE ACTION PLAN <br /> 1. STATEMENT OF FINDINGS <br /> The findings and determinations contained herein are based on the competent <br /> and substantial evidence, both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the <br /> Project and the Supplemental EIR ("SEIR"). The findings and determinations constitute the <br /> independent findings and determinations by this City Council in all respects and are fully and <br /> completely supported by substantial evidence in the record as a whole. <br /> Although the findings below identify specific pages within the Draft and Final <br /> SEIRs in support of various conclusions reached below, the City Council agrees with, and thus <br /> incorporates by reference and adopts as its own, the reasoning set forth in both environmental <br /> documents, and thus relies on that reasoning, even where not specifically mentioned or cited <br /> below, in reaching the conclusions set forth below, except where additional evidence is <br /> specifically mentioned. This is especially true with respect to the City Council's approval of all <br /> mitigation measures recommended in the Final SEIR, and the reasoning set forth in responses <br /> to comments in the Final SEIR. The City Council further intends that if these findings fail to <br /> cross-reference or incorporate by reference any other part of these findings, any finding <br /> required or permitted to be made by this City Council with respect to any particular subject <br /> matter of the Project must be deemed made if it appears in any portion of these findings or <br /> findings elsewhere in the record. <br /> A. Organization/Format of Findings <br /> Section I.0 of these findings contains a summary description of the proposed <br /> project, sets forth the objectives of the proposed project, and provides related background facts. <br /> Section I.D describes the record of proceedings associated with the proposed project. Section <br /> I.E summarizes the City's environmental review of the proposed project. Section 1.1 summarizes <br /> and makes findings regarding the Project's potential impacts that do not require mitigation <br /> measures due to the determination that the impacts would be less than significant. Section I.J <br /> describes and makes findings regarding the Project's potentially significant adverse <br /> environmental impacts and the mitigation measures that will be imposed to ensure that those <br /> impacts would be less than significant. Section I.K describes and makes findings regarding the <br /> Project's significant and unavoidable impacts and the mitigation measures that will be imposed <br /> to reduce those impacts to the extent feasible. Section I.L discusses and the makes findings <br /> regarding the project alternatives analyzed in the SEIR. Section I.M discusses and makes <br /> findings regarding the Project's growth inducing effects. Section II contains a description of the <br /> Project's significant and unavoidable impacts and the City's statement of overriding <br /> considerations and related findings demonstrating why the Project's benefits outweigh its <br /> significant and unavoidable impacts and thus render them acceptable. <br />