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The Project would not create new sources of substantial light or glare which <br /> would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the Planning Area. (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.A-19 to <br /> 4.A-21; Impact 4.A-4.) <br /> The Project would not have a cumulatively considerable adverse impact to <br /> aesthetic resources. (Draft SEIR, p. 4.A-21; Impact 4.A-5.) <br /> 2. Air Quality <br /> The Project would not conflict, directly or cumulatively, with the Bay Area 2010 <br /> Clean Air Plan because the projected rate of increase in vehicle miles traveled ("VMT") is not <br /> greater than the projected rate of increase in population and because implementation of policies <br /> included in the Circulation Element of the Pleasanton General Plan 2005-2025 would implement <br /> transportation control measures consistent with the Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan. (Draft SEIR, <br /> pp. 4.B-17 to 4.B-26; Impacts 4.B-2 , 4.B-3 and 4.B-6.) <br /> 3. Biological Resources <br /> The Project would not cause adverse impacts to trees or conflict with any local <br /> policies or ordinances protecting biological resources. (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.0-35 to 4.0-36; Impact <br /> 4.0-4.) <br /> The Project would not conflict with a habitat conservation plan or natural <br /> community conservation plan. (Draft SEIR, p. 4.0-37; Impact 4.0-5.) <br /> The Project would not have a cumulatively considerable adverse impact on <br /> biological resources. (Draft SEIR, p. 4.0-38 to 4.0-39; Impact 4.0-6.) <br /> 4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br /> The Project would not adversely affect greenhouse gas emissions or conflict with <br /> an applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gas <br /> emissions. (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.E-13 to 4.E-19; Impacts 4.E-1 and 4.E-2.) <br /> 5. Geological Resources <br /> The Project would not result in any direct or cumulatively considerable significant <br /> adverse affects to geological resources. (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.F-17 to 4.F-23; Impacts 4.F-1 <br /> through 4.F-6.) <br /> 6. Hazards and Hazardous Materials <br /> The Project would not create a significant hazard to the public or the environment <br /> through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials. (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.G-9 to <br /> 4.G-11; Impact 4.G-1.) <br /> The Project would not create a significant adverse affect related to hazardous <br /> material releases within the vicinity of an existing or proposed school. (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.G-13 to <br /> 4.G-14; Impact 4.G-3.) <br /> The Project has no potential to result in a safety hazard for people residing or <br /> working in the vicinity of a private airstrip as no such private airstrips exist in the vicinity of the <br /> City. (Draft SEIR, p. 4.G-17; Impact 4.G-6.) <br />