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RESOLUTION NO. 11-489 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON, FINDING <br /> THAT CERTAIN DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES SUBJECT TO AB1600 and SB1693 <br /> ARE UNEXPENDED AFTER FIVE YEARS AND THE FUNDS ARE COMMITTED TO <br /> PARTICULAR PROJECTS <br /> WHEREAS, Government Code Section 66001(d), effective January 1, 1989, requires <br /> the City (a) to make findings once each fiscal year with respect to any portion of a fee remaining <br /> unexpended in its account five or more years after deposit of the fee, (b) to identify the purpose <br /> to which the fee is to be put and to demonstrate a reasonable relationship between the fee and <br /> the purpose for which it is charged, (c) to identify all sources and amounts of funding anticipated <br /> to complete financing and (d) to designate the approximate date the expected funding will be <br /> deposited; and <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 66006 (b)(2), the information was <br /> made available to the public on November 21, 2011; and a duly noticed public meeting was held <br /> on December 6, 2011; and <br /> WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the development impact fees collected through June 30, <br /> 2006 to determine if any such development fees still remain unexpended; and <br /> WHEREAS, staff has found that development impact fees collected for this period <br /> remain unexpended and the City is committed to use these unexpended amounts for <br /> construction of capital improvements as follows: <br /> Fees Collected Between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2011 <br /> Public Facilities Fees $ 670,310 <br /> Park Dedication In-Lieu Fees 2,185,270 <br /> Lower Income Housing Fees 7,296,298 <br /> Total Fees Subject to AB1600 $ 10,151,878 <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br /> PLEASANTON DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER THE FOLLOWING: <br /> Section 1: <br /> A. There are development impact fees remaining unexpended but these fees are <br /> committed to constructing improvements identified in subsection D below that will <br /> implement goals and objectives of the City's General Plan; <br /> B. The City's objective to mitigate the impacts caused by the development of residential, <br /> commercial, and industrial land will be assisted by the purchase of the equipment or <br /> construction of the improvements; <br /> C. There is a reasonable relationship between the purpose of each of the developer fees <br /> and the purpose for which it is charged and committed as stated below in subsection D; <br /> D. The amount of the development impact fees collected, the cash balance (including <br /> interest earnings) as of June 30, 2011 for each fee held for five years or more, the <br /> purpose the fee is committed, additional sources of funding and the expected date that <br /> funding will be available are as follows: <br />