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westerly side of Santa Rita Road/Main Street unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. <br /> If the City's Capital Improvement Project for Stanley Boulevard precedes approval of the Final <br /> Map, then the applicant shall pay a pro-rata share of the storm drain line to serve this <br /> development. <br /> 48. The applicant shall pay a pro-rata share of the City's Capital Improvement Project to reconstruct <br /> Stanley Boulevard along the project frontage prior to the approval of the final map, or at a later <br /> time approved by the Community Development Director. <br /> 49. If the applicant's project precedes the City's Capital Improvement Project to reconstruct Stanley <br /> Boulevard, then the applicant shall construct an interim street tie-in. The exact layout of the tie- <br /> in shall be determined at the improvement plan checking stage. <br /> 50. The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City engineer that the sanitary sewer <br /> laterals have sufficient cover and slope to serve all the units in this development; the sanitary <br /> sewer lateral invert information shall be shown on the engineering drawings submitted with the <br /> Tentative Subdivision Map. <br /> 51. There shall be a valley gutter between Stanley Boulevard and the in-tract street to prevent storm <br /> water on Stanley Boulevard from flowing onto the private street. <br /> 52. The water lateral to the existing house located on the property shall be abandoned in <br /> accordance with City standards. <br /> 53. The applicant shall dedicate a Public Service Easement (PSE) over the private street and <br /> extending 5 feet outside of the edge of the street for City maintenance of the water main and <br /> laterals, sanitary sewer main, and joint trench for the dry utilities. The applicant shall also <br /> dedicate an 8-foot wide a Public Service Easement (PSE) along the Stanley Boulevard project <br /> frontage. <br /> 54. If the applicant's project precedes the City's decision to underground overhead utilities along <br /> Stanley Boulevard, then the applicant shall install new services to the proposed units within this <br /> development underground in conduit to the nearest "utility approved" riser pole. The <br /> developer/subdivider shall also be responsible for paying a pro-rata share as determined by the <br /> City Engineer for undergrounding of the overhead utility lines across the project frontage <br /> including the service lines to this proposed development. Said payment shall be paid to the City <br /> prior to the approval of the final map. <br /> SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br /> Fire <br /> 55. The dwelling units covered by this approval shall be equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler <br /> system. Plans and specifications for the automatic fire sprinkler system shall be submitted to <br /> the Building and Safety Division for review and approval prior to installation. The fire alarm <br /> system, including water flow and valve tamper, shall have plans and specifications submitted to <br /> Fire Prevention for review and approval prior to installation. All required inspections and <br /> witnessing of tests shall be completed prior to final inspection and occupancy of the dwelling <br /> units. <br /> 56. The private street shall be designated as a fire lane and identified as such by red curb striping <br /> and posted with signs on both sides of the street at locations approved by the Fire Department. <br /> 10 <br />