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All that certain real prol~rty situated in the Township of Pleaaant~n, Ce~aty of <br />~3-m~Xa, State of calif~:~Aia, described as follows: <br /> <br /> C0S$~NCING ak t~ point of intersectiO~ of the general southwesterly b~undary line <br />of t~e City of Pleasantun, as said boumdary Xine was established in the Ordar of <br />ation of the Town of Pleasanton, a~lo~ted Jmme 11, 1~94, by the Board of Su~ervie~rs of <br />Alameda County, califo~nia, end filed in Minute Book 16 at page 322 thereof, with the <br />general easterly line of that certain l~rcel of laud described in the deed frc~ Alvin J. <br />Arata and Ewelyn Arata, hie wife, and M.$. Ludwig and Ida F~ve Ludwig, his wife, to <br />North American Title Guaranty Corporation, Alameda Divisic~, a corpc~atio~, dated <br />Dee_~ber 19, 1956, and recorded January 21, 1957, in Book 8263 of Official Records at <br />page 355 thereof, ltecords of Alameda COtmty, C~!~fornia, and l~rnntn~ ~ <br />amd southerly aloug said general easterly line to an intersection~thereof with the <br />e~utherly line of last said parcel of land; thence westerly, northeasterly, ~ud <br />erly along said general southerly line and along the direct production northwesterly <br />thereof to an intersection t~reof with t~e ~sterly line of Ccamty ~ No. 81~, <br /> <br /> ~nown a~ Pleas~t~n-Sunol Road, 83.00 feet in width; t~ce ~rtherly alcag said ~eeterly <br /> line of plea~antc~-Sunc~l ~ to an interjection t~reof with the southwesterly bo~lary <br /> line of that certain territ~ry annexed to the City of Plea~antoa uadar Ord~aa~e No. ~, <br /> adopted ~ 1, 1~2~ a map of ~hich wa~ filed c~ ~ay 16, 1~2, in Book ~ of ~ at <br /> 77 t~reof, l~cc~'d~ of Alame~a County~ C~liforni&; thence ¢~tinui~g nca-th~rly alce~ <br /> w~terly line of pleasantce~-Sun~l l~ad, being al~o the easterly ~ lime ~f <br /> territory ~,-~xed to the City of Pleasantcxl~ to an lnt~r~ection ~ereof with the ea~tarly <br /> boundary line of that cert-~ Writory annexed to the City of Pleasant(~ under ~ <br /> <br /> <br />