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associated with construction, use of cranes or draglines, new rock crushing <br /> activities) or other project related activities that could cause nest <br /> abandonment or forced fledging, shall be initiated within the established <br /> buffer zone of an active nest. <br /> If the project is built in phases, this condition of approval shall be <br /> implemented for each phase of development. <br /> 7. Construction Access Plan. Prior to the issuance of final improvement <br /> plans or grading permits, the project developer shall develop and provide a <br /> construction access plan to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. <br /> This plan will include, at a minimum, the following construction traffic <br /> management strategies for each phase of development: <br /> a. Using El Charro Road for construction related access for all phases <br /> of development, to the maximum extent feasible, rather than <br /> Stoneridge Drive. <br /> b. A set of comprehensive traffic control measures, including the <br /> scheduling of major truck trips and deliveries to avoid peak traffic <br /> hours, detour signs and flag persons if required, lane closure <br /> procedures, signs, cones for drivers, and designated construction <br /> access routes. In addition, the information will include a construction <br /> staging plan for any public right of way used of each phase of the <br /> proposed project. <br /> c. Provisions of parking management and spaces for all construction <br /> workers for each phase of construction. <br /> d. Notification procedures for adjacent property owners regarding when <br /> major deliveries, detours, and lane closures will occur. <br /> e. The location of construction staging areas for materials, equipment <br /> and vehicles. <br /> f. The identification of haul routes for the movement of construction <br /> vehicles that would minimize impacts on vehicular traffic, circulation, <br /> and safety; and a provision for monitoring surface streets used for <br /> haul routes so that any damage and debris attributable to the haul <br /> tracks can be identified and corrected by the project developers. <br /> g. A process for responding to, and tracking complaints pertaining to <br /> construction activity, including identification of an on-site complaint <br /> manager. <br /> 8. Construction Dust. The project developer shall implement the following <br /> measures during all construction phases to reduce impacts associated with <br /> Conditions of Approval/PUD-68 <br /> Appendix Conditions 10 <br />