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Ms. Harryman said yes. <br /> <br />7. Is the proposed parking adequate? Should an additional guest parking space be <br />added to the open space parcel? <br /> <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that if the number of home decreases, parking will <br />improve. She indicated that she is not in favor of adding more parking to the open <br />space parcel and did not believe parking was adequate for the 13 units. <br />Commissioners unanimously concurred. <br /> <br />Chair Narum noted that if the developer chooses the option for 13 units and decreases <br />the square footage of homes, there will be additional room for parking. <br /> <br />Commissioner Blank stated that if the FARs are decreased equivalent to the size of one <br />lot, that much more space would be available to address parking. <br /> <br />stated that he did not support adding more parking spaces in <br />the open space areas. <br /> <br />Commissioner Pentin stated that an entire lot opening up should create a design factor <br />that allows for more open space and more parking if needed. <br /> <br />The Commissioners agreed. <br /> <br />8. Does the Commission support the proposed tree removal and mitigation? <br /> <br />Commissioner Blank stated that he would like to retain as many trees as possible and <br />did not support the current plan to remove trees or their mitigation. He noted that <br />reducing the FARs or removing a unit would provide the ability to keep more trees. He <br />indicated, however, that if the density were reduced, he possibly could support a new <br />tree removal and mitigation plan. <br /> <br />Commissioner Pearce agreed and did not support the tree report and mitigation. She <br />indicated that she was also strongly in favor of saving at least two of the three Deodar <br />cedar trees as they represent the character of the area and are in good shape. She <br />requested to have Mike Fulford, City Landscape Architect, to come and talk to the <br />Commission about this. <br /> <br />Commissioner Pentin stated that he would like to see all of the trees stay but suggested <br />a reworking of the map. He agreed that at some point, the development must be <br />realistically feasible; otherwise, the developer may do nothing, which would not serve <br />the entire purpose. <br /> <br />likened the situation of a consultant providing an opinion on <br />the historic home as with the trees and felt that most of them were worth saving. He <br />PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MINUTES, February 9, 2011 Page 18 of 41 <br /> <br />