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PC 092210 Special Meeting
City of Pleasanton
PC 092210 Special Meeting
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slow with this disclosure and conceivable, reduce the value of our properties. This <br />fact is further consideration for pursuing opposition to the cell tower. <br />“With the passage of time, we worry that this cell tower station might expand in <br />height, shape and emission, making the safety or health risks, property devaluation, <br />and poor aesthetics even worse in a long term contract with Verizon and the City. <br />We ask that the Planning Commission again deny the Verizon request for the cell <br />tower in the Bernal Corporate Park. As neighbors, we are uniformly against allowing <br />the cell tower in this location. As local citizens, we expect to continue to be active in <br />the hearings and decisions forthcoming. We believe there are better options for <br />placement that do not put us at risks.” <br />Ms. Gire indicated that contrary to Mr. Lobaugh’s statement, the tree is visible from their <br />houses. She added that most of the photos are taken from the freeway rather from the <br />court where they live. She noted that the trees drop leaves for about five months out of <br />the year, during which time there is absolutely nothing there except for the stump of the <br />tree, which does not look good. <br />Ms. Gire stated that she and her husband moved to Pleasanton 25 years ago and <br />chose Pleasanton for the charm and quality of life of the town. She noted that they then <br />chose Corte Monterey because it was a small court with nice people whose friendships <br />they value in a community they have developed. She added that they also chose living <br />with the Arroyo behind them because they liked the open space, even if they might have <br />some noise impacts from the freeway. She concluded they do not choose to look at cell <br />towers. <br />Nancy Wedge thanked Jenny Soo, Janice Stern, and Verizon for their efforts and for <br />making her feel included in the process. She stated that she attended a meeting on <br />June 15, 2010 regarding a notice sent by the City reminding the neighbors they were <br />assessing Landscape and Lighting Maintenance District 184-1 for City landscaping that <br />goes behind the Arroyo. She noted that they pay taxes to help landscape this area. <br />She indicated that she did not understand why a cell phone tower would be allowed to <br />be installed if this area was considered a trail. <br />Ms. Wedge stated that she read in a letter sent to her that the proposed site has been <br />designed to accommodate future carriers and would provide the additional benefit of <br />limiting the need for additional towers. She added that they were told that if there was <br />another project that goes in there, it would not be another tree farm; there was a lot of <br />room in the blacktop area where south towers could be located. She indicated that they <br />were informed that in 20 years, this project would generate $600,000 in revenue, which <br />may be appealing to the City but is not what the residents want. <br />Hugh Metzler stated that he has lived in Corte Monterey since 1991 and has been a <br />realtor since 1997. He indicated that he knows some people are selling their homes in <br />the court while others are thinking about it, and the cell tower would definitely have to be <br />disclosed and would affect the value of their property. He noted that many people are <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 22, 2010 Page 7 of 23 <br /> <br />
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