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Commissioner Pearce noted that one speaker mentioned air monitoring at Mohr <br />Elementary School. She inquired if this has been discussed and if this was feasible. <br />She stated that she has seen surveys for pollution in elementary schools, some of them <br />adjacent to major roadway such as Alisal Elementary School. <br />Ms. Giffin replied that the California Air Resources Board recommends that these <br />studies are to be done once the road reaches 100,000 ADT, and Stoneridge Drive is <br />substantially less than that, which is the reason it is not recommended as mitigation. <br />Chair Olson noted that one speaker mentioned that there was not sufficient time to <br />review the documents. He inquired what the requirement is for review and if the City <br />has met it. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that the minimum time that the SEIR must be available is ten days. <br />Commissioner O’Connor inquired if staff tries to exceed that limit when there are <br />hundreds of pages of documentation or for larger projects. <br />Mr. Dolan replied staff definitely padded that requirement by bringing the document to <br />the Planning Commission and added that there will be additional time between now and <br />when it comes before the City Council. <br />Commissioner Olson requested confirmation that the original EIR was available for over <br />a year. <br />Commissioner O’ Connor commented that, however, it is not the original EIR but the <br />SEIR that is subject to review, <br />Mr. Dolan stated that the original EIR has been available for considerably longer than a <br />year. <br />Commissioner O’Connor stated that there has been much controversy about the <br />biological aspects of the SEIR. He noted that the Commission had heard from Mr. Kanz <br />of the Alameda Creek Alliance about the 5:1 ratio, and the applicant’s biological expert <br />came up to present his findings. He requested Chair Olson to re-open the public <br />hearing to give Mr. Kanz an opportunity to respond to the biological expert’s comments <br />about the 1:1 ratio. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS RE-OPENED <br />Commissioner Pearce clarified that the public hearing is limited to just this one issue. <br />Mr. Kanz stated that he is on the User Advisory Group of the East Alameda County <br />Conservation Strategy. He indicated that the City of Pleasanton is represented on the <br />Steering Committee by Ms. Janice Stern and that the County has its own representative <br />on the Committee as well. He indicated that the group has been working for two years <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 26, 2010 Page 21 of 27 <br /> <br />