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Commissioner Blank disclosed that he knows Mr. Morrison socially but they have not <br />discussed this matter. <br />Mr. Morrison read the following prepared letter <br />"I urge the Planning Commission, following tonight's presentations, to schedule <br />an additional meeting for public comment on the Supplement to the Stoneridge <br />Drive Specific Plan Amendment/Staples Ranch Environmental Impact Report. <br />The Final SEIR and staff report total 372 pages, longer than the 344-page Draft <br />EIR. Pleasanton citizens are at a disadvantage to thoroughly review these <br />documents and prepare sufficient comment in less than two weeks. Please <br />provide residents and other members of the public more time to review these <br />documents. <br />"I also want to thank Ralph Kanz of Alameda Creek Alliance for reviewing and <br />preparing comments on the biological sections of the EIR in the face of ongoing <br />personal attacks from the mayor. As I note in my comments for the Draft EIR, in <br />th <br />a December 9, 2009 email that included distribution to City Staff, Mayor <br />Hosterman called Mr. Kanz a "disgrace to the environmental movement" and <br />"one of those hackers…." <br />"Yesterday, on May 25, 2009, Mayor Hosterman sent another email (attached) <br />derogatory of Mr. Kanz and his comments. Mayor Hosterman copied her opinion <br />to the Pleasanton City Council, in an apparent violation of the Brown Act. An <br />important Brown Act interpretation is the inseparability of deliberation from the <br />decision-making process: <br />"Deliberation and action are dual components of the collective decision- <br />making process and the meeting concept cannot be split off and confined to <br />one component. The term 'meeting' extends to informal sessions or <br />conferences of members of legislative bodies designed for discussion of <br />public business." (Sacramento Newspaper Guild v. Sacramento County Bd. <br />of Suprs. (1968) 263 Cal.App.2d.41)" <br />And <br />"The public has a right to notice of and attendance at such meetings <br />irrespective of whether individual members of the council intend or do not <br />intend to take "action" at such gatherings." (Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 61 1963) <br />"Conference calls and, presumably, email that involve a majority of council <br />members are prohibited. Even the fact that no action is taken as a direct result of <br />these communications does not relieve them of the requirement that they be <br />public and properly noticed. The informal fact-finding and discussion phases of <br />developing a 'collective concurrent' must be subject to public scrutiny and public <br />input to the same degree as is the vote-taking at a scheduled meeting. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 26, 2010 Page 13 of 27 <br /> <br />