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Mr. Pavan said that it was. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that bullet point 1 of Condition No. 19 refers to requiring <br />24-inch box replacement trees to be native, but the 15-gallon are not. <br />Mr. Pavan stated these should also be native and revise the condition. <br />Commissioner Pearce inquired what the sizes of the houses were in the photo <br />simulations. <br />Mr. Pavan stated that he believes they are 8,500 square feet. He added that the project <br />architect, Joseph Gorney, was present and could speak to this. <br />Commissioner Pearce referred to bullet point 3 of Condition No. 31 on page 10 of the <br />Conditions of Approval, which states the maximum floor area as 8,500 square feet <br />exclusive of 700 square feet of garage area, whichever is less. She inquired what <br />“whichever is less” referred to. <br />Mr. Pavan stated that “whichever is less” should be deleted. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Commissioner Pentin disclosed he met with the applicant long ago and discussed the <br />project. <br />Marty Inderbitzen, applicant, representing Dr. William and Lydia Yee, stated that Tom <br />Fraser from WRA, the consulting biologist; Joseph Gorney, project architect; and Darryl <br />Alexander, project engineer, were present in the audience to answer questions. He <br />indicated that they worked through the project at great length with staff and that <br />modifications to the project are minor compared to the last review. He noted that the <br />project has been reduced by two lots, and substantial impacts to the project area with <br />regard to the Foothill Road frontage and tree impacts have also been reduced. <br />Mr. Inderbitzen stated that they worked hard to address issues and comments received <br />regarding environmental impact following the first Planning Commission meeting before <br />they could move forward. He added that they are in agreement with staff that the best <br />way to deal with issues is to review them and determine whether the project could be <br />self-mitigated. He indicated that they spent a significant amount of time and money <br />figuring out how to deal with the creek issues, including a lot of design with a <br />hydrologist, grading design, and meetings with representatives of agencies, boards, and <br />City engineering staff on site. He noted that they reviewed every design on how to fit <br />road-widening and a bike path into the 200-foot long location and could not arrive at <br />anything that made sense while still allowing the project to be financially viable. He <br />indicated that they modified the project in a manner that would be close to meeting <br />everyone’s desires. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, April 28, 2010 Page 9 of 15 <br /> <br />